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Secure Messaging Apps Comparison | Privacy Matters
This site compares secure messaging apps from a security & privacy point of view. These include Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Skype, Signal, Google Allo,
Improving security of your web application with Security Headers - Technical Blog - Future Processing
Security Headers are a subset of HTTP response headers that, when sent by the server, allow the web…
Authenticator – Add-ons for Firefox
Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser.
Privacy Tools - Encryption Against Global Mass Surveillance
You are being watched! Knowledge, encryption and privacy tools to protect you against global mass surveillance.
Cryptomator: Free Cloud Encryption for Dropbox & Others
FINALLY, exactly what I'd wanted!
nada - Temporary Email
Revealed: the day Guardian destroyed Snowden hard drives under watchful eye of GCHQ - video | US news | The Guardian
On Saturday 20 July 2013, in the basement of the Guardian's office in Kings Cross, London, watched by two GCHQ technicians, Guardian editors destroyed hard drives and memory cards on which encrypted files leaked by Edward Snowden had been stored. This is the first time footage of the event has been released
The Malware Museum : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers. Once they infected a system, they would sometimes show animation or messages that you had been infected. Through the use of emulations, and additionally removing...
The Web Authentication Arms Race – A Tale of Two Security Experts – SLaks.Blog
Troy Hunt: Troy’s ultimate list of security links
I’ve got a heap of resources I constantly come back to in talks, workshops and just during the course of my everyday work. Frankly, I have trouble remembering them all myself plus I reckon they’re kinda useful for other people too so I thought I’
A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
(A play in 4 acts. Please feel free to exit along with the stage character that best represents you. Take intermissions as you see fit. Click on the stage if...
WoSign: Free 2y multi-domain SSL certificate (SAN/UCC)
Chat easily and securely with your buddies using Cryptocat.