The biggest set I've ever created! The Officium is a collection of general use icons. Anything from hardware to humans, this set covers it all. These icons were created as line art in Adobe Illustrator. Enabling you to change both the color or the weight of the illustration with ease. I've also created a Sketch version of the file and included slices for each of the icons. I've already exported them to individual SVGs and PNGs. But you have the ability to export them again, any way you like.
Znepokojivé sochy zvierat, inšpirované najtemnejšími ľudskými emóciami – Doba Mag.
Mnohí ľudia sú toho názoru, že umenie by malo vyjadrovať a vyvolávať pocity. V tomto prípade si prídu na svoje. Beth Cavener uzatvára ľudské emócie do podoby lesných zvierat. Všetky plastiky sú vytvorené z kameniny, upevnenej na kovových rámoch. Prostredníctvom zvierat sa snaží “stelesňovať dôsledky ľudského strachu, apatiu, agresiu a neporozumenia.”
Up Close, 3D Minecraft Art Gets Pretty Freaky | Kotaku Australia
Dayshot: The above gif progresses as follows: Minecraft 3D art as it's meant to be viewed, as a 2D-ish render; Minecraft 3D art in-game; Minecraft 3D art in-game, but closer. It's quite the transformation....
What if Edward Gorey illustrated Lovecraft? | Lovecraft eZine on
Edward Gorey is one of my favorite artists. What if he had illustrated Lovecraft’s stories or created artwork with Lovecraftian themes? The art of John Kenn Mortensen might be the result.
Graceful Women In Dark Illustrations By Ruben Ireland
UK based artist and graphic designer Ruben Ireland produces somber yet serene images of female faces and bodies blended with animalistic symbolism. His works often portray solitary women embraced by animals in minimalist settings, conveying a sense of inner peace, curiosity and understanding whilst exploring a range of subjects surrounding life, death, love, loss, fear and serenity. Ruben's creations rely on multiple tools: from ink to food to a Wacom tablet.
This new art series, created by Alena Tkach for NeonMob, is the story of a curious kitty named Pinkerton. Told through two beautifully illustrated images, our tiny hero makes new friends getting lost in the forest, and ultimately finding his way home. On the subjects of cats and the inspiration for Pinkerton's adventure, Tkach says,I love cats and I am sure that most of people love them too.
Obrazom: Dojímavé fotografie mužov, ktorí kvôli Putinovi museli vstúpiť do armády
Beznádej, strach i hnev - to sú emócie, ktoré prežívajú litovskí muži, ktorí ešte pred niekoľkými mesiacmi žili bezpečný a slobodný život a ani nepomysleli na to, že o toto pohodlie čoskoro prídu.
Artists Animate Classic Paintings to Make the Subjects Blow Raspberries on Each Other
Artists from the group Innomind have animated classic paintings to make the subjects of those paintings blow raspberries on each other. The video animates
Mladá slovenská architekta napísala najlepšiu diplomovku na svete
BRATISLAVA - Minuloročná absolventka bratislavskej Vysokej školy výtvarných umení (VŠVU) Adriana Debnárová získala na nedávnom slávnostnom ceremoniáli v Madride významné medzinárodné ocenenie Archiprix 2015. Udeľuje sa každé dva roky v oblasti architektúry, urbánneho dizajnu a krajinnej architektúry za najlepšie diplomové práce na svete.
Stop-Motion Animator Spent Four Years Making His Dream Come True
White collar worker from by day, stop-motion animator by night. Takahide Hori -- also known as YAMIKEN -- successfully created his first part of his underground opus, Junk Head 1. It only took him four years. And he never gave up....
Suppose we do the following: Let A = MOVE LEFT 1 UNIT; Let C = MOVE DOWN 1 UNIT; Let G = MOVE RIGHT 1 UNIT; Let T = MOVE UP 1 UNIT; Then we can map any genome into a random walk, a kind of Etch A S…
I See Music Because I Have Synesthesia, So I Decided To Paint What I Hear
As a synesthete, the music I hear is translated into a flow of texture and colors. Synethesia, although not disorientating, can sometimes leave me at odds trying to describe what I can see to others. Painting in oils and acrylics is a way to express and exhibit the beautiful colors that I see on a day to day basis, whether it's hearing someone's name, or that song on the radio.
You know what, we’ve covered the work of French artist Michel Donzé twice here on Fine Art, but both times it’s been as part of a larger piece. It’s about time the guy got his own showcase.
After the success of Dear Data , we’re back with our new book Observe, Collect, Draw! Pre-order this visual journal today to document the world around you and discover more about yourself and/or life!
Artpacks act as an archive of the BBS, ANSI and ASCII art scenes, from 1990 to present. Artpacks are recognized as one of the primary reasons that the early computer art scene is so well preserved and documented in relation to other underground computer scenes at the time.