Negative Space - Free stock photos, no copyright restrictions.
Beautiful free images for personal and commercial use. All business, food, people and technology photos are free, high-resolution, and no attribution is required. CC0.
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Slovenským firemným webom ešte stále kraľujú fotky nadšených ľudí tlieskajúcich na poradách, reštaurácie sa vo svojich materiáloch hrdia tým istým obrázkom pizze a viaceré spoločnosti používajú obrázok jednej “smiešnej” žaby na svojich billboardoch už roky. Tomu sa hovorí čaro platených obrázkov z databáz. A teraz si predstavte, že svojmu webu dožičíte trochu viac emócie a […]
The biggest set I've ever created! The Officium is a collection of general use icons. Anything from hardware to humans, this set covers it all. These icons were created as line art in Adobe Illustrator. Enabling you to change both the color or the weight of the illustration with ease. I've also created a Sketch version of the file and included slices for each of the icons. I've already exported them to individual SVGs and PNGs. But you have the ability to export them again, any way you like.
As we plunge into the final editing phase of Our Favorite Typefaces of 2014, perennial contributor Dyana Weissman offers this poetic prelude. Enjoy, and feel free to respond with your own. — SC Haikus and I go back a long time. Many of us learned about them in elementary school. I...