Golden Waves - sounds produced by Earth, by Susan Ann Brewster
Most Reliable Hardware of 2014 - Puget Custom Computers
At Puget Systems, we track a lot of data but one of the most important things we track is the failure rates of individual components. Reliability is of our primary values, so this data is invaluable for tracking both individual component, product line, and overall brand failure rates. With 2014 coming to a close, we thought we make public a bit of this data to let you know what hardware we found to be the most reliable in 2014.
Someone made a playable XCOM game in Microsoft Excel | The Verge
Never underestimate the power of spreadsheets. While trying to learn Visual Basic for work, Reddit user crruzi created a top-down version of XCOM playable in Microsoft Excel. This version, dubbed...
Pickle cat
posted in my uber driver - Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
burgundy - word generator
Up Close, 3D Minecraft Art Gets Pretty Freaky | Kotaku Australia
Dayshot: The above gif progresses as follows: Minecraft 3D art as it's meant to be viewed, as a 2D-ish render; Minecraft 3D art in-game; Minecraft 3D art in-game, but closer. It's quite the transformation....
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography)
An Open Letter to Developers Everywhere (About Cryptography) · GitHub
Web Developer Checklist - ASP.NET
The ultimate checklist for all serious web developers building modern websites.
hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
Kickstarter >> Make the Censors Watch 'Paint Drying' by Charlie Lyne
Help me send my new film to the British Board of Film Classification.
20 Cute And Funny Puns By Arseniic | Bored Panda
Puns are a popular topic for illustrators because they offer fun and diverse topics to draw and because they're cute and clever. Monika, the US-based artist behind the Tumblr “Pundemonium,” is the latest artist to succumb to their charm by drawing tons of cute pun illustrations that her followers love.
The breakup shop - Nová služba ukončí vzťah za vás. Cez e-mail či SMS | Živé.sk
Doručovanie nepríjemných správ môžete prenechať niekomu inému. Stačí si priplatiť.
ScrotenTote: The Satchel of Life | Indiegogo
God created this satchel to hold the world's most precious cargo: the human race.
The Grammarphobia Blog: Is the diaeresis driving you dotty?
Q: Why has “naïve” survived, but not “coöperate”? Why do we write “Noël,” but not “poëm” or “reïgnite”? I’d appreciate (or appreciäte) any help you can offer on the rules for using the diaere…
The PokéCommunity Forums - View Single Post - [Resource] MrDollSteak's Decap. and Attack Rombase
This is a Pokemon forum for Pokemon fans all over the world. Discussions include games, trading card game, strategies, TV series, movies, role play, fan fiction, and trivia
Glyphs Company
Stand out from the common icon font. With Glyphs Company you can use faster, smarter, better looking SVG icons without any of the coding headache. Sign up for beta access.
English Language. - Album on Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Markdown Tables generator -
Easily create tables in extended Markdown format supported by Markdown Here and GFM.
simple writer
Less Broken Than You Think
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
The Doves Type | Doves Press Font |
The infamous drowned Doves Type, salvaged by Robert Green, now available to buy and download from Typespec. Doves Type fonts for desktop & web.
Röntgen oslavuje 120 rokov. Toto sú jeho najkurióznejšie snímky | Dobré noviny
Za jedinečným objavom stál nemecký fyzik Wilhelm Röntgen. Vďaka svojmu vynálezu tak v roku 1895 zmenil celú budúcnosť lekárstva.
18F — Early lessons from the micro-purchase experiment
Well, we sure didn’t expect this. But the winning bid for the first iteration of the 18F micro-purchase experiment was $1. And on Wednesday, the winner delivered a solution that passed our acceptance criteria.
Obrazom: Do tohto domu nevkročila ľudská noha 30 rokov. Nechajte sa uniesť jeho čarom | Dobré noviny
Kúzlu toho miesta podľahol aj kanadský fotograf, ktorý sa nedávno rozhodol stavbu zachytiť prostredníctvom svojho objektívu a vytvoril tak nádherné zábery.
Táto kniha vznikla pred viac ako 800 rokmi. To, čo ukrýva, vás prekvapí
Hoci autor sám považoval knihu za vzdelávací materiál, veľa ľudí nemalo možnosť ponoriť sa do jej múdrosti. Existuje totiž len jedna kópia tejto úžasnej knihy.
People Are Attacking This Restaurant's Facebook After Its Sarcastic Post About Vegans
Remember, on Facebook no one can ever tell you're being sarcastic.
Joy of bacon sandwich overrides cancer risk, says everyone
Nobody gives a flying fuck as to whether bacon causes cancer or not.
The 4 Boneheaded Biases of Stupid Voters
Almost all the “respectable” economic theories of politics begin by assuming that the typical citizen understands economics and votes accordingly—at least on average. By a “miracle of aggregation,” random errors are supposed to balance themselves out. But this works only if voters’ errors are random, not systematic. The evidence—most notably, the results of the 1996 Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy—shows that the general public’s views on economics not only are different from those of professional economists but are less accurate, and in predictable ways. The public really ...
People Stepped Up And Confessed Their Darkest Moments On The Sims, And Shit Got Weird
When The Sims was originally created, I’m not sure the people in charge expected quite what a phenomenon the game would become. In its inception, the game was designed for you to take control of characters’ lives, guide them towards their perfect career, make them fall in love, have a family and literally everything and anything else […]