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What's the Giant, Slimy Worm That Horrified the Internet?
What's the Giant, Slimy Worm That Horrified the Internet?
The animal, filmed last week by a Taiwanese fisherman, is a ribbon worm—part of an unusual group of marine creatures that can swallow prey whole.
What's the Giant, Slimy Worm That Horrified the Internet?
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
Earlier this year, five people went to Iceland with a mission: take some of the best, most unique cosplay photos on the planet. What they came home with does not disappoint.
Pushing Cosplay To Its Absolute Limits
The Witcher 3 Takes Shots At DRM
The Witcher 3 Takes Shots At DRM
Above, via Kotaku reader SilentAssassn87, a lovely little dig from the developers of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red, who are quite critical of the restrictive anti-piracy method known as Digital Rights Management (DRM).
The Witcher 3 Takes Shots At DRM
Mladá slovenská architekta napísala najlepšiu diplomovku na svete
Mladá slovenská architekta napísala najlepšiu diplomovku na svete
BRATISLAVA - Minuloročná absolventka bratislavskej Vysokej školy výtvarných umení (VŠVU) Adriana Debnárová získala na nedávnom slávnostnom ceremoniáli v Madride významné medzinárodné ocenenie Archiprix 2015. Udeľuje sa každé dva roky v oblasti architektúry, urbánneho dizajnu a krajinnej architektúry za najlepšie diplomové práce na svete.
Mladá slovenská architekta napísala najlepšiu diplomovku na svete
Black Sugar on Vimeo
Black Sugar on Vimeo
When a group of bored suburban teens experiment with a mysterious new drug, they are thrust into a nightmare world where hallucinations kill.
Black Sugar on Vimeo
The smash hit game! Control your cell and eat other players to grow larger! Play with millions of players around the world and try to become the biggest cell of all!
Reaver on Vimeo
Reaver on Vimeo
Official Selection: Fantastic Fest A Night Of Horror International Film Festival - WINNER Best Lovecraft Film Filmquest - WINNER Best Sci-Fi Film Screamfest Horror Film Festival Rhode Island International Film Festival Savannah Film Festival Imagine Film Festival Mt. Hood Independent Film Festival Screamfest Review: "Reaver is a perfect example of a Hollywood style short, the SPFX are immense, the story is quick and to the point and the action and visuals do not disappoint, even a wonderful performance by Richard Burgi puts the icing on the cake of one of the best shorts I saw at the e...
Reaver on Vimeo
Huge Fog Bank Rolling in over Lake Michigan
Huge Fog Bank Rolling in over Lake Michigan 5.21.14 Platte Bay, Lake Michigan Frankfort, MI link to high quality still photos:
Huge Fog Bank Rolling in over Lake Michigan
Drawing the Genome | Ken Liu, Writer
Drawing the Genome | Ken Liu, Writer
Suppose we do the following: Let A = MOVE LEFT 1 UNIT; Let C = MOVE DOWN 1 UNIT; Let G = MOVE RIGHT 1 UNIT; Let T = MOVE UP 1 UNIT; Then we can map any genome into a random walk, a kind of Etch A S…
Drawing the Genome | Ken Liu, Writer