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The Most Futuristic Predictions That Came True In 2014
The Most Futuristic Predictions That Came True In 2014
As 2014 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the most futuristic breakthroughs and developments of the past year. This year's crop features a slew of incredible technological, scientific, and social achievements, from mind-to-mind communication to self-guiding sniper bullets. Here are 15 predictions that came true in 2014.
The Most Futuristic Predictions That Came True In 2014
Slovenka nafotila mimozemské stavby. Pozrite si zabudnuté juhoslovanské monumenty
Slovenka nafotila mimozemské stavby. Pozrite si zabudnuté juhoslovanské monumenty
Slovenská fotografka Diana Takácsová navštívila krajiny bývalej Juhoslávie, aby mohla nafotiť schátrané a zabudnuté vojnové pomníky, ktoré vyzerajú ako z iného sveta. Na svojej stránke píše, že: “Juhoslovanské vojnové monumenty sa snažia prekonať všetko: ničivú silu prírody, ľudí a fakt, že upadli do zabudnutia.” Pozrite si ich na týchto mrazivých fotografiách.
Slovenka nafotila mimozemské stavby. Pozrite si zabudnuté juhoslovanské monumenty
Skyrim players are taking screenshots to dramatic new heights
Skyrim players are taking screenshots to dramatic new heights
One of the most popular RPGs ever released, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, is on sale right now for $4.99 through Steam. Even though it was released in 2011, the game's graphics still hold up, which...
Skyrim players are taking screenshots to dramatic new heights