****DOWNLOAD LINK: http://goo.gl/pdNxS **** What Slovak words I heard Text piesne sa veľmi podobal na slovenské vety. Inšpirácia pôvodným nápadom používateľa...
Self-Taught Artist Builds Macabre Life-Size Motorcycles Out of Animal Bones | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities
Reese Moore, a self-taught artist from Daytona Beach, builds macabre life-size motorcycles entirely out of animal bones collected from hunters or from the side of the road
One Man's 'Terrible' Cosplay Makes The Internet A Better Place
If we go by the typical standard metrics by which cosplay is judged, you might say this cosplay isn't very good. That it's bad. Or even terrible. But those standards don't matter. This is totally wonderful, incredibly creative and utterly brilliant....
A web app that works out how many seconds ago something happened. How hard can coding that be? Tom Scott explains how time twists and turns like a twisty-tur...
Task Show off your best scientific illustration ! The main purpose of this question is to share beautiful scientific pictures, preferably with an educational aspect. Content Your post must con...
The Miraculous Progress Of 'Twitch Plays Pokémon' + picture collection
It has been nearly five days since Twitch Plays Pokemon, a stream that lets users collectively control a Pokémon game via chat commands, started broadcasting to the world. Since then, the stream has had over 60 thousand people watching and playing at once -- as you might expect, it's been a chaotic, awe-inspiring...
How Players Actually Make Progress In 'Twitch Plays Pokemon'
When more than 80,000 people band together to try to control a single Pokémon trainer via Twitch chat -- and then manage to actually make progress -- the question that immediately comes to mind is: just how in the world are they accomplishing it?...