Astronomy and Space News - Astro Watch: Millionaire spaceflier intends to send astronauts past Mars in 2018
Dennis Tito, the millionaire investment whiz who became the first paying passenger to visit the International Space Station in 2001, has worked out a plan to send two astronauts to Mars and back without stopping. However, the privately backed 501-day flight would have to be launched in 2018 — or wait until the 2030s. Details about the Red Planet flyby are trickling out in advance of a Washington news conference next week. First word of the venture came out in a media advisory passed along by the SpaceRef website on Wednesday. The advisory from the Texas-based Griffin Communications Group de...
Visit to learn more about this illusion and how our experience affects what we see. This is a new scientific finding called the "Flashed ...
Trinity test press releases (May 1945) | Restricted Data
Let's get this out there: I'm a confessed "Archive Rat." While I may not actually be thrilled while in the archives themselves (which are often dusty, bure...
When we see things around us, distant objects look smaller to our eyes than nearby objects do. Is there any physics-related reason why our eyes or brain perceive things like this? Or if this is p...
A few days ago I went for a walk in the evening. We're having winter with a little snow and freezing temperatures. We're in a quiet, shallow valley with a train station about 1km from us. I heard a...
Favorite from youtube:Legend of Zelda: Pot SmasherTweet! Link is kinda a dick, huh? We spent a month doing the R? necessary to do these effects! What did you think? Special thanks to Lindsey Stirling for playing Link - check out
Yep, there's now a 'seal of approval' for the scientific accuracy of novels
Ever think that the mystery and sci-fi genres could use an extra shot of reality? Well, if the Washington Academy of Sciences has anything to say about the ma...
So Whats it Like? Participating in the Windward Code War? | Windward Wrocks
Laying it out by the numbers doesn’t explain it well. You arrive around 9:40 wondering what you’re in for. Even more, wondering why you got up on such an early hour on a Saturday – are …
Zda sa, ze Creative Suite 2 seriozne uvolnili zadarmo :) Photoshop, anyone? [Konecne! :) ]#ifttt #facebook