Epic Pokemon rap battle
If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers
Introduction - 10,000 Year Clock - The Long Now
Human perception of distance
When we see things around us, distant objects look smaller to our eyes than nearby objects do. Is there any physics-related reason why our eyes or brain perceive things like this? Or if this is p...
Does sound propagate further in freezing weather?
A few days ago I went for a walk in the evening. We're having winter with a little snow and freezing temperatures. We're in a quiet, shallow valley with a train station about 1km from us. I heard a...
Legend of Zelda: Pot Smasher - YouTube
Favorite from youtube:Legend of Zelda: Pot SmasherTweet! http://bit.ly/12dKCRJ Link is kinda a dick, huh? We spent a month doing the R? necessary to do these effects! What did you think? Special thanks to Lindsey Stirling for playing Link - check out
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Pokemon White EV Training Guide - Pokmon White Version - Neoseeker Forums
] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]_What Are EVs?_ EVs, or Effort Values, are the bases for a Pokemon's stats. Through a process
Programmer Interrupted
Gotta Catch 'Em All by Powerglove on Saturday Morning Apocalypse - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark
Tech-Foo: Visualising the Ubuntu Package Repository
Like most geeks, I like data. I also like making pretty pictures. This weekend, I found a way to make pretty pictures from some data I had l...
Yep, there's now a 'seal of approval' for the scientific accuracy of novels
Ever think that the mystery and sci-fi genres could use an extra shot of reality? Well, if the Washington Academy of Sciences has anything to say about the ma...
The truth about Ash
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
So Whats it Like? Participating in the Windward Code War? | Windward Wrocks
Laying it out by the numbers doesn’t explain it well. You arrive around 9:40 wondering what you’re in for. Even more, wondering why you got up on such an early hour on a Saturday – are …
Lol Engine
Adobe - CS2 Downloads
Zda sa, ze Creative Suite 2 seriozne uvolnili zadarmo :) http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html Photoshop, anyone? [Konecne! :) ]#ifttt #facebook
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Shark Pool Official Trailer - YouTube
this is not my video please give the creates a sub and a like :P Check out the original link here: http://youtu.be/6CY_HGl6W2U Download "Forever Young" here:...
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
A mail from Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Mail z Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Ako by sa niekomu mohla nepacit? :) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/594739388694771856/88AFD73606564D8AE5F2962B52DB6D940F7F93B5/#ifttt #facebook
In An Ideal World | Dueling Analogs - Infographic
via Dueling Analogs http://www.duelinganalogs.com November 20, 2012 at 03:00PM by Steve Napierski#ifttt #googlereader
The brilliance of Dwarf Fortress
Tarn Adams ditched a career in mathematics to build an ingenious, ever-evolving computer game.
9GAG - I don't know the guy, but I like his profile picture.
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BBC News - North Korea: On the net in world's most secretive nation
Navigating around the internet in North Korea is a unique experience - but a growing thirst for information could begin to open up the secretive nation.
The Funny Racist (TheFunnyRacist) on Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von The Funny Racist™👻 (@TheFunnyRacist). Who knew being racist could be so funny? These tweets are meant for comedy only. We do not condone racism. Underground Railroad
v0.31:Stories/Bronzemurder - Dwarf Fortress Wiki
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Evidence Based Scheduling - Joel on Software
Software developers don’t really like to make schedules. Usually, they try to get away without one. “It’ll be done when it’s done!” they say, expecting that such a brave, funny zinger will reduce t…
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Miracle Of Sound ft. Malukah - Legends Of The Frost (Original Skyrim song) - YouTube
Favorite from youtube:Miracle Of Sound ft. Malukah - Legends Of The Frost (Original Skyrim song)Download from Bandcamp: http://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/ My gaming channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MiracleOfSoundGaming Itunes: http://itunes.apple.c