SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access

A fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET - lunet-io/markdig
Ode to Batman
66179 views and 1758 votes on Imgur
Automated dependency updates for your Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Go, Elixir, Rust, Java and Elm.
4chan anon proves math theorem?
Take back control of your videos ! #JoinPeerTube
A decentralized video hosting network, based on free/libre software
NCurses Disk Usage
Ilya Ozornin
TiddlyFolio - Your Wiki Wallet v1.1 for Firefox+TiddlyFox allows you to create a copy of a webpage that will always be up even if the original link is down
A new way to read & write Markdown
Typora is a cross-platform minimal markdown editor, providing seamless experience for both markdown readers and writers.
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern - BurntSushi/ripgrep
Get Comic Neue
Comic Neue fixes the shortcomings of Comic Sans. It's the casual script choice for everyone, including the typographically savvy.
Improving security of your web application with Security Headers - Technical Blog - Future Processing
Security Headers are a subset of HTTP response headers that, when sent by the server, allow the web…
billyo / Pesky-Adblock
Blocks access to your site until you enable an ad blocker. Turn on that pesky adblock!
SF For Nothing, Stories For Free - Charlie's Diary
The incredible palindromic hat-trick
Wow, the beauty of math and clickbait combined into one! :D
xkcd: Containers
All services are microservices if you ignore most of their features.
NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive
CT Book - CrypTool Portal
NetPositive error messages
Pushover: Simple Notifications for Android, iOS, and Desktop
Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop (Android Wear and Apple Watch, too!)
Portainer | Simple management UI for Docker
Portainer is a simple management solution for Docker. Easily manage your Docker hosts and Docker Swarm clusters via Portainer web user interface.
GitHub - donnemartin/system-design-primer: Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Dat Project - Welcome!
Dat is a nonprofit-backed data sharing protocol for applications of the future.
SOGo | Open Source Groupware
Giving social networking back to you - The Mastodon Project
Mastodon is an open source decentralized social network - by the people for the people. Join the federation and take back control of your social media!
Real-time collaborative web productivity suite behind the firewall.