Guy Kawasaki - You only need three people - Rational Comics
You know in a startup, you only need three people. You need someone who can make something. You need someone who can sell it. And you need someone to ...
This new art series, created by Alena Tkach for NeonMob, is the story of a curious kitty named Pinkerton. Told through two beautifully illustrated images, our tiny hero makes new friends getting lost in the forest, and ultimately finding his way home. On the subjects of cats and the inspiration for Pinkerton's adventure, Tkach says,I love cats and I am sure that most of people love them too.
22 Incredible Facts About The Life and Career Of Sir Christopher Lee
If Sir Christopher Lee had just been a movie star, he would still have been an icon. But the late actor, who passed away last week, had an amazing life even beyond his incredible body of work. Whether you’re still lamenting his passing or unsure why his death is such a loss, here’s 22 reasons why Christopher Lee will always be a legend.
Obrazom: Dojímavé fotografie mužov, ktorí kvôli Putinovi museli vstúpiť do armády
Beznádej, strach i hnev - to sú emócie, ktoré prežívajú litovskí muži, ktorí ešte pred niekoľkými mesiacmi žili bezpečný a slobodný život a ani nepomysleli na to, že o toto pohodlie čoskoro prídu.
Artists Animate Classic Paintings to Make the Subjects Blow Raspberries on Each Other
Artists from the group Innomind have animated classic paintings to make the subjects of those paintings blow raspberries on each other. The video animates
Earlier this year, five people went to Iceland with a mission: take some of the best, most unique cosplay photos on the planet. What they came home with does not disappoint.
Above, via Kotaku reader SilentAssassn87, a lovely little dig from the developers of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red, who are quite critical of the restrictive anti-piracy method known as Digital Rights Management (DRM).
Mladá slovenská architekta napísala najlepšiu diplomovku na svete
BRATISLAVA - Minuloročná absolventka bratislavskej Vysokej školy výtvarných umení (VŠVU) Adriana Debnárová získala na nedávnom slávnostnom ceremoniáli v Madride významné medzinárodné ocenenie Archiprix 2015. Udeľuje sa každé dva roky v oblasti architektúry, urbánneho dizajnu a krajinnej architektúry za najlepšie diplomové práce na svete.
ETHEREAL CHRYSALIS - Lovecraftian fantastic short film directed by Syl Disjonk - YouTube
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