Late Bloomer - Short Film - Sundance Film Festival
Directed by Craig Macneill. Screenplay written by Clay McLeod Chapman and Craig Macneill. Produced by Thom Litttle. Cinematography by Derek McKane. Official ...
When a group of bored suburban teens experiment with a mysterious new drug, they are thrust into a nightmare world where hallucinations kill.
The smash hit game! Control your cell and eat other players to grow larger! Play with millions of players around the world and try to become the biggest cell of all!
Official Selection: Fantastic Fest A Night Of Horror International Film Festival - WINNER Best Lovecraft Film Filmquest - WINNER Best Sci-Fi Film Screamfest Horror Film Festival Rhode Island International Film Festival Savannah Film Festival Imagine Film Festival Mt. Hood Independent Film Festival Screamfest Review: "Reaver is a perfect example of a Hollywood style short, the SPFX are immense, the story is quick and to the point and the action and visuals do not disappoint, even a wonderful performance by Richard Burgi puts the icing on the cake of one of the best shorts I saw at the e...
Stop-Motion Animator Spent Four Years Making His Dream Come True
White collar worker from by day, stop-motion animator by night. Takahide Hori -- also known as YAMIKEN -- successfully created his first part of his underground opus, Junk Head 1. It only took him four years. And he never gave up....
Suppose we do the following: Let A = MOVE LEFT 1 UNIT; Let C = MOVE DOWN 1 UNIT; Let G = MOVE RIGHT 1 UNIT; Let T = MOVE UP 1 UNIT; Then we can map any genome into a random walk, a kind of Etch A S…
Samouk skombinoval 32 tisíc záberov, aby vytvoril detailnú fotku Mesiaca
Nepotrebujete mať doma Hubblov teleskop, aby ste videli niektoré vesmírne telesá z absolútnej blízkosti. Pozrite sa na tohto poľského samouka! Amatérsky fotograf Bartosz Wojczyński namieril svoj foťák na nočnú oblohu a z 32 tisíc záberov na náš Mesiac vytvoril takúto neuveriteľne detailnú fotografiu.
Windows 10 apps in HoloLens look amazing and completely ridiculous
Microsoft is making universal apps a major focus: "We're talking about one platform, a single app, a single binary that can run across all of these devices." That includes even its futuristic,...
Krásne portréty z roku 1913, ranných dní farebnej fotografie
Elektrotechnik Mervyn O’Gorman zachytil tieto krásne žiarivé fotografie svojej dcéry Christiny v anglickom Lulworth Cove ešte v roku 1913. To bolo pred viac ako sto rokmi, teda v období, kedy farebné fotografie zažívali svoje ranné dni.
The Anti-Surveillance State: Clothes and Gadgets Block Face Recognition Technology, Confuse Drones and Make You (Digitally) Invisible
Last spring, designer Adam Harvey hosted a session on hair and makeup techniques for attendees of the 2015 FutureEverything Festival in Manchester, England.