Quotations for CS1
Private vs Personalized Search: DuckDuckGo vs Google - Infographic by OptiLocal
Online privacy is a serious issue that is quickly gaining popularity nowadays. Our right to privacy as online users has gradually been violated by targeted surveillance or simple data collection acts performed by governments, enterprises and individuals. In days when Internet is considered by many to be Google’s formal alias, we’ve decided to look into […]
Nádherné portréty žien oslavujú mexický deň mŕtvych.
Las Muertas je krásna séria portrétov od amerického fotografa menom Tim Tadder, ktorý pochádza z Los Angeles. Svojimi fotografiami sa snaží vzdať poctu pestrofarebnému svetu mexického folklóru a kultúry. V obrázkoch sa sústredí predovšetkým na takzvaný Día de Muertos, čo v preklade znamená Deň mŕtvych.
Roots: Enlightened Static Sites
Introduction - Material design - Google design guidelines
Material Design is a system for building bold, beautiful, and consistent digital products.
The 5-minute Guide to C Pointers
A simple guide to C pointers. Talks about operators, dereferencing, pointer usage, pointers to arrays, pointers to structs, pointers to pointers.
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
I told my friends I had a date with a really attractive girl...
they told me she was imaginary, but the jokes on them, because they are too.
Iraqi TV host breaks down in tears at plight of Christians. When can we accept that this version of Islam (ISIS) is medieval and must be stopped.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Interrupted Maps
Parable of the Polygons
A playable post on how harmless choices can make a harmful world.
4chan makes a pokemon game Pt.1: Pokemon sage
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
4chan makes a pokemon game Pt.2: Pokemon Clover
SORTING - Visualizing sorting algorithms
A visualization of the most famous Sorting Algorithms.
The Best Of Material Design, daily – MaterialUp
Android curates the best of Android inspiration, tools and freebies. Get your daily dose of Android inspiration!
Ring brings ancient Viking, Islamic civilizations closer together
Ancient find fingers ninth century connection between Vikings and Islamic civilization.
Illuminating Shadows: Mors Medicina
Cannibalistic Healing Practices in the Civilized World As British colonialist expansion brought traders, whalers and missionaries to the So...
A Haiku Homage to 2014
As we plunge into the final editing phase of Our Favorite Typefaces of 2014, perennial contributor Dyana Weissman offers this poetic prelude. Enjoy, and feel free to respond with your own. — SC Haikus and I go back a long time. Many of us learned about them in elementary school. I...
Licenses - ChooseALicense.com
Non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project
protobuf-net - Fast, portable, binary serialization for .NET - Google Project Hosting
A High Dynamic Range Histogram
Twitch Plays Pokemon: Its history, highlights and Bird Jesus
Gaming articles, stories, news and information.
awesome-scifi - Sci-Fi worth consuming
Heroic Doom Mod Adds 37 Instagram Filters And A Selfie Stick
After almost 22 years Doom is finally finished thanks mod-maker Linguica's "InstaDoom", which adds 37 InstaGram filters to the game and swaps out the fabled BFG with a selfie stick.
Happy Darwin Day Imgur
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Task tracking for nerds - HOLLY SHELL