scikit-learn: machine learning in Python — scikit-learn 0.15.2 documentation

Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus
Culture of Slovakia - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family
Culture of Slovakia - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family Sa-Th
32 Unbelievably Cheap And Beautiful DIY Photo Backdrops
Now you can have an in-home selfie photo booth at your disposal for under $20.
Eight ancient Roman recipes from Around the Roman Table: Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome
Patrick Faas
valve handbook new emplyees
Graffiti from Pompeii
of Mer
HackerTyper Neo
previously google refine
Common Mythconceptions - World's Most Contagious Falsehoods | Information Is Beautiful
We only use 10% of our brain. We evolved from chimps. Dairy foods increase mucous. Pfffff! These and over 45 other myths & misconceptions debunked. Interactively.
Building an extensible syntax
An alternative to s-expressions for extensible syntax
Obrazom: Najkrajšie fotografie roka podľa National Geographic | Dobré noviny
National Geographic každoročne vyhlasuje súťaž o najkrajšie cestovateľské fotografie. Prinášame vám výber najkrajších fotografií 26. ročníka prestížnej fotosúťaže.
Guacamole — HTML5 Clientless Remote Desktop
So you're MAD about something on the Internet...
Your life on Earth
The BBC has a fun piece that shows changes over your lifetime. Enter your date of birth, gender, and height, and you get personalized data nuggets, categorized by how you changed, how the world cha…
Mapsburgh by Mapsburgh on Etsy
Fantasy-stye maps of real places
I'd Trade My Squirtle For These | Kotaku Australia
Dayshot: Artist Juan Arrabal "Dragolisco" Hernández has some really cool re-imagined Pokémon....
Amazing art
Graphic: Are you in an unhealthy office relationship? - Washington Post
Not enough Hatred na
Odnikud se objevila hra Hatred, jejíž posláním je zabíjet lidi. Jen tak. Obstojí s tím polští vývojáři, anebo jen přihlouple propagují své životní názory?
Image Resizer for Windows
An archive of the CodePlex open source hosting site
Watch the developer become god in this precursor to the Metaverse
Brian Peiris built a live-coding web app for the Oculus Rift that lets you manipulate your virtual 3D environment in real-time. Sure, it’s just a bunch of simple manipulation of geometry for now,...
Sneakdoor Zeta
Should Every Game Allow You to Choose Your Gender?
While playing Lichdom: Battlemage, Yahtzee decides to tackle to topic of gender diversity in choosing the character you want to play.
Lovecraftian Video Games | Lovecraft eZine on
Are you in the mood for a Lovecraftian-themed video game? Look no further! Here’s a huge list. I hope you find it useful. If you feel a game should be listed here, or if you see incorrect o…
Have been unable to find the free version for a while. Here it is.
Bittorrent Bundles are awesome.
I’ve written before about how useful I believe the bittorrent protocol is, and today I wanted to share something with you guys that you may not have known about (I’m pretty with it, as …
Historical Military Uniforms from the last 1,000 years
More memes, funny videos and pics on 9GAG
Bill Weaver Mach 3 Blackbird Breakup | Roadrunners of Groom Lake
If programming languages were vehicles