

Here is a terrific poem I have found which shows the unbelievable oddness of our language ... Unfortunately, no-one seems to know the name of the genius who composed this fabulous poem about the craziness of the English languag
Web Interface to the pisearch program. Pisearch searches the first four billion binary digits of pi for the entered word.
It's 2150 There are all sorts of Aliens living throughout space. Johnny is a Space Delivery Man who travels to different planets to deliver packages. Johnny is lazy and his only desire is to sleep in his autopilot spaceship. when the spaceship arrives at the destination, all he has to do is simply deliver the box. However, it never goes as planned. Johnny encounters strange and bizarre planets and always seems to cause trouble on his delivery route. Will he be able to finish his mission without trouble?
Praise Helix: The strange mythology of a crowdsourced Pokémon game
Praise Helix: The strange mythology of a crowdsourced Pokémon game
In the first-generation Pokémon games (Red and Blue), players can earn an item called the Helix Fossil in the caves of Mt. Moon. It’s not a particularly important object, and it serves no purpose other than allowing you to capture a rare mollusk-looking monster called an Omanyte. (And Omanyte itself isn’t all that special, either.) However, to the millions of people who flocked to the video game streaming site Twitch over the last several weeks, the Helix Fossil is an object of religious significance. It’s a tribute to the power of anarchy and a symbol of what thousands of people can accomp...
Praise Helix: The strange mythology of a crowdsourced Pokémon game
22 vtipných príkladov, keď rodičia esemeskujú.
22 vtipných príkladov, keď rodičia esemeskujú.
Tieto screen shoty z mobilov sú vždy veľká sranda. Niektorí tvrdia, že naši rodičia by nemalí posielať správy mobilom. Ale prečo? Niekedy z toho vznikne poriadny nezmysel alebo trapas. Prípadne oboje. Na druhú stranu, nikto nie je neomylný a práve omyly nás posúvajú ďalej.
22 vtipných príkladov, keď rodičia esemeskujú.
23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.
23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.
Recyklácia je veľmi dôležitou súčasťou nášho úsilia žiť v harmónii s planétou, ktorej hovoríme domov. Magazín Bored Panda to povedal veľmi pekne a zároveň ponúkol 23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako využiť staré veci a premeniť ich na čosi nové.
23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.