

23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.
23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.
Recyklácia je veľmi dôležitou súčasťou nášho úsilia žiť v harmónii s planétou, ktorej hovoríme domov. Magazín Bored Panda to povedal veľmi pekne a zároveň ponúkol 23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako využiť staré veci a premeniť ich na čosi nové.
23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako premeniť staré veci na čosi nové.
I often fear losing my memories.
Skyrim trailer - SK paródia [misheard lyrics]
Skyrim trailer - SK paródia [misheard lyrics]
****DOWNLOAD LINK: **** What Slovak words I heard Text piesne sa veľmi podobal na slovenské vety. Inšpirácia pôvodným nápadom používateľa...
Skyrim trailer - SK paródia [misheard lyrics]
Dumb kid thinks she's a cyberpunk hacker saving children :D
Dumb kid thinks she's a cyberpunk hacker saving children :D
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your people.
Dumb kid thinks she's a cyberpunk hacker saving children :D
One Man's 'Terrible' Cosplay Makes The Internet A Better Place
One Man's 'Terrible' Cosplay Makes The Internet A Better Place
If we go by the typical standard metrics by which cosplay is judged, you might say this cosplay isn't very good. That it's bad. Or even terrible. But those standards don't matter. This is totally wonderful, incredibly creative and utterly brilliant....
One Man's 'Terrible' Cosplay Makes The Internet A Better Place
2048 game
2048 game
Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Careful: this game is extremely addictive!
2048 game