

python open source alternative to IDM (Internet Download Manager) with multi-connections, high speed engine, based on python, pycurl, youtube_dl, and pysimplegui - pyIDM/PyIDM
DaVinci Resolve 16 | Blackmagic Design
DaVinci Resolve 16 | Blackmagic Design
Professional video editing, color correction, visual effects and audio post production all in a single application. Free and paid versions for Mac, Windows and Linux.
DaVinci Resolve 16 | Blackmagic Design
Мертвая земля: под Нижним Тагилом текут кислотные реки. Они движутся в сторону реки Тагил (фото) - Новости Нижнего Тагила
Мертвая земля: под Нижним Тагилом текут кислотные реки. Они движутся в сторону реки Тагил (фото) - Новости Нижнего Тагила
Тревел-блогер zamkad_life опубликовал снимки Лёвихинского рудника с высоты птичьего полета. Автор напоминает про экологическую катастрофу под Норильск...
Мертвая земля: под Нижним Тагилом текут кислотные реки. Они движутся в сторону реки Тагил (фото) - Новости Нижнего Тагила
Dune Legacy
Dune Legacy
Dune Legacy is an effort by a handful of developers to revitalize the first-ever real-time strategy game. The original game was the basis for the hugely successful Command and Conquer series, and the gameplay has been replicated an extended to a wide variety of storylines and series. Lead one of three interplanetary houses, Atreides, Harkonnen or Ordos, in an attempt to harvest the largest amount of spice from the sand dunes. Exchange your spice stockpiles for credits through refinement and build an army capable of thwarting attempts of the other houses to stop your harvesting!
Dune Legacy
Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic | Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic | Brandon Sanderson
We’re celebrating the release of Steelheart, my new novel! It’s out this week. If you missed yesterday’s post, you can read up on the book here, listen to the first five chapters of the audiobook here, and watch the trailer here. Please consider going to your retailer of choice and looking at th ...
Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic | Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson's Second Law | Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson's Second Law | Brandon Sanderson
A few years back, I wrote an essay on creating magic systems that I titled Sanderson's First Law. It had to do with the nature of foreshadowing as it relates to solving problems with magic. In that essay, I implied that I had other "laws" for magic systems that I'd someday ta ...
Sanderson's Second Law | Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson's First Law | Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson's First Law | Brandon Sanderson
Introduction I like magic systems. That's probably evident to those of you who have read my work. A solid, interesting and innovative system of magic in a book is something that really appeals to me. True, characters are what make a story narratively powerful—but magic is a large part of wh ...
Sanderson's First Law | Brandon Sanderson
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer.
Ak v Číne vyvinú vakcínu proti COVID-19, bude aj u nás?
Ak v Číne vyvinú vakcínu proti COVID-19, bude aj u nás?
(Približná dĺžka čítania 8 minút). Asi deň či dva potom, ako som napísala o možnej vakcíne proti COVID-19, obletela svet správa o tom, že v Číne začne fáza 2 testovania potencionálnej vakcíny proti COVID-19. Je to vôbec prvý kandidát na vakcínu proti COVID-19, ktorý sa dostal až sem. Samozrejme sa všetky oči a dúfania…
Ak v Číne vyvinú vakcínu proti COVID-19, bude aj u nás?
A Windows 95 style Pokédex built with React.
a font for programming and code review
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions
See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions