CORDY-Blink-256.gif (GIF Image, 504 × 480 pixels)
2048 game
Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Careful: this game is extremely addictive!
Nicole Kozak - gifs
One Man's 'Terrible' Cosplay Makes The Internet A Better Place
If we go by the typical standard metrics by which cosplay is judged, you might say this cosplay isn't very good. That it's bad. Or even terrible. But those standards don't matter. This is totally wonderful, incredibly creative and utterly brilliant....
Dumb kid thinks she's a cyberpunk hacker saving children :D
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Chartspree | Make charts in seconds
szoter - online annotation tool
Self-Taught Artist Builds Macabre Life-Size Motorcycles Out of Animal Bones | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities
Reese Moore, a self-taught artist from Daytona Beach, builds macabre life-size motorcycles entirely out of animal bones collected from hunters or from the side of the road
Ω500 - flappy bird
Quintus JavaScript HTML5 Game Engine
Find kanji by radicals - Denshi Jisho
Powerful and easy-to-use online Japanese dictionary with words, kanji and example sentences.
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Skyrim trailer - SK paródia [misheard lyrics]
****DOWNLOAD LINK: **** What Slovak words I heard Text piesne sa veľmi podobal na slovenské vety. Inšpirácia pôvodným nápadom používateľa...
Plugins - Paint.NET
I often fear losing my memories.
World Dissolver EP, by Ceephax Acid Crew
by Ceephax Acid Crew
Dead Man's Switch dot Org ~ Home
The complete guide to cooking eggs every which way
You've had scrambled eggs. You've had poached eggs. But have you had poached-scrambled eggs?
Suzanne Sadedin's answer to Menstruation: What is the evolutionary or biological purpose of having periods? - Quora
Artist turns game characters into traditional Japanese woodblock prints
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Recyklácia je veľmi dôležitou súčasťou nášho úsilia žiť v harmónii s planétou, ktorej hovoríme domov. Magazín Bored Panda to povedal veľmi pekne a zároveň ponúkol 23 kreatívnych nápadov, ako využiť staré veci a premeniť ich na čosi nové.
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The Incredible Fan Art of Twitch Plays Pokemon: Crystal Version
After the successful completion of Twitch Plays Pokemon: Red Version, we showed you some of the greatest fan art created from that epic 400 hour adventure. ...
The Most Incredible Fan Art from Twitch Plays Pokemon
In the early hours of March 1st, 2014, Twitch Plays Pokemon came to an end. The thousands upon thousands of players had - over the course of nearly 400 ...
Brainstorm on image! | Quick Markup
How to Light Paper Lanterns