Žatva sa mohla začať hneď, ako pomyselný štartovací rozstrel socialistickej súťaže rituálnym žmolením plných kláskov pomedzi prsty odobril sám najvyšší tajomník Ústredného výboru KSS.
The historic reels of film dating back to 1909 were discovered by Michael Grant, 56, and his daughter, Rachael, 26, in a dumped shelving unit at a recycling centre in Sidmouth, Devon.
What if Edward Gorey illustrated Lovecraft? | Lovecraft eZine on WordPress.com
Edward Gorey is one of my favorite artists. What if he had illustrated Lovecraft’s stories or created artwork with Lovecraftian themes? The art of John Kenn Mortensen might be the result.
We’ve seen some good Witcher cosplay lately—unsurprising, given the love folks have for the characters and their snappy outfits—but you don’t see many people trying to take on Yenn.
“Steampunk” Infographics Beautifully Combine Past and Present
When information graphics designers also look to the past for inspiration, the result – something I'll call "steampunk infographics" – tells us a lot about the past and present of information visualization.
Thousands of People Have Watched Leaked Fallout 4 Footage On Pornhub
Last week, some lucky Gamescom attendees got a chance to see new Fallout 4 footage behind closed doors. Many gaming websites have reported on it; the new Fallout footage is not a mystery. Thing is, Bethesda hasn’t actually released this footage for the world to see...not that this has stopped fans from finding creative and sneaky ways of viewing it anyway.
#SpaceVine - Turns out a sphere of floating water makes the ultimate fisheye lens
The entertainment network where videos and personalities get really big, really fast. Download Vine to watch videos, remixes and trends before they blow up.
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