#SpaceVine - Turns out a sphere of floating water makes the ultimate fisheye lens
The entertainment network where videos and personalities get really big, really fast. Download Vine to watch videos, remixes and trends before they blow up.
Webový formulár je často jedna z najdôležitejších častí webu. Netrápte vašich návštevníkov zlými formulármi, ktorých vyplnenie im zaberie viac času ako je zdravé. Skúste týchto 8 tipov na zlepšenie.
Type These Words Into Gchat And Instantly Delight Your Friends
You may have noticed some new little animations popping up in your Gchats when you're extra excited or "laughing." The animations started out as an in...
I’ve got a heap of resources I constantly come back to in talks, workshops and just during the course of my everyday work. Frankly, I have trouble remembering them all myself plus I reckon they’re kinda useful for other people too so I thought I’
By Riccardo Gazzaniga / griotmag.com Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one, for example. It represents John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics
Milujeme slovné hračky, milujeme kreatívne myslenie, milujeme street art a áno, milujeme aj Košice! Takže, keď sme narazili na tieto fotografie, okamžite sme vedeli, že sa o ne chceme podeliť aj s ostatnými. Autormi nápaditých pouličných diel z košických ulíc sú I’m a Chyba, ktorého staršie diela u nás už raz zožali pomerne veľký úspech. Nájdete ich tu.
People Stepped Up And Confessed Their Darkest Moments On The Sims, And Shit Got Weird
When The Sims was originally created, I’m not sure the people in charge expected quite what a phenomenon the game would become. In its inception, the game was designed for you to take control of characters’ lives, guide them towards their perfect career, make them fall in love, have a family and literally everything and anything else […]
Almost all the “respectable” economic theories of politics begin by assuming that the typical citizen understands economics and votes accordingly—at least on average. By a “miracle of aggregation,” random errors are supposed to balance themselves out. But this works only if voters’ errors are random, not systematic. The evidence—most notably, the results of the 1996 Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy—shows that the general public’s views on economics not only are different from those of professional economists but are less accurate, and in predictable ways. The public really ...