All 2,242 of James Sowerby’s illustrations from his compendium of knowledge about mineralogy in Great Britain and beyond published between 1802 and 1817 and arranged by color.
Professional video editing, color correction, visual effects and audio post production all in a single application. Free and paid versions for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Мертвая земля: под Нижним Тагилом текут кислотные реки. Они движутся в сторону реки Тагил (фото) - Новости Нижнего Тагила
Тревел-блогер zamkad_life опубликовал снимки Лёвихинского рудника с высоты птичьего полета. Автор напоминает про экологическую катастрофу под Норильск...
Dune Legacy is an effort by a handful of developers to revitalize the first-ever real-time strategy game. The original game was the basis for the hugely successful Command and Conquer series, and the gameplay has been replicated an extended to a wide variety of storylines and series. Lead one of three interplanetary houses, Atreides, Harkonnen or Ordos, in an attempt to harvest the largest amount of spice from the sand dunes. Exchange your spice stockpiles for credits through refinement and build an army capable of thwarting attempts of the other houses to stop your harvesting!
Ak v Číne vyvinú vakcínu proti COVID-19, bude aj u nás?
(Približná dĺžka čítania 8 minút). Asi deň či dva potom, ako som napísala o možnej vakcíne proti COVID-19, obletela svet správa o tom, že v Číne začne fáza 2 testovania potencionálnej vakcíny proti COVID-19. Je to vôbec prvý kandidát na vakcínu proti COVID-19, ktorý sa dostal až sem. Samozrejme sa všetky oči a dúfania…
Biscuit | A browser so your apps don't get buried in tabs
Biscuit is a browser where you can organize your apps. If you set your most frequently used apps into Biscuit, you can immediately access and start using them. There is no need to tidiously search your tabs for the apps you've previously opened. Why not work and live in a stress free browser world with Biscuit?
TagSpaces is an open source platform for personal data management. With TagSpaces you can manage and organize the files and folders on your pc, mac or smart phone.