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Thread by @NomeDaBarbarian: "Pictured: One of the most dangerous creatures on earth. Regularly chew on crocodiles while teething (and the crocs let them, because otherwi […]" #Française #TransCrowdFund #DnD5e #ActualPlay
Thread by @NomeDaBarbarian: "Pictured: One of the most dangerous creatures on earth. Regularly chew on crocodiles while teething (and the croer Mlem. I love them so much. I was being quite literal, by the […]" #Française #TransCrowdFund #DnD5e #ActualPlay
Thread by @PulpLibrarian: "A woman with great hair is fleeing a gothic house. This is a signal to the reader that this is one of ‘those’ books – not a historical roman […]"
Thread by @PulpLibrarian: "A woman with great hair is fleeing a gothic house. This is a signal to the reader that this is one of ‘those’ bookcal romance or a ghost story, but a modern gothic. It was one of the most successful genres in pulp, now sadl […]"
Experienced programmers and computer scientists, what are some really old (or even nearly forgotten) books you think every new programmer...
Alan Kay's answer: I love that “2006” and “2008” (in another answer) must be considered “really old” (which is what the question requests) … I’m still a big fan of the “Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual” (MIT Press — still in print). This version of the language is no longer with us, but the book — fi...
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC encoding.
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The main purpose of this tool is to help with building a color palette and generate tints and shades based on it. Just pick a color, and the app does the rest. You can use the preselected colors or the color picker for more control.
Tools for OSForensics - ImageUSB - Write an image to multiple USB Flash Drives
ImageUSB is a free utility designed for use with OSForensics. ImageUSB is an effective tool for writing an image to multiple USB Flash Drives for mass duplication. Download PassMark ImageUSB from this page for free!
45 places you can download tens of thousands books, plays and other literary texts completely legally for free
In an increasingly digital world, literature is evolving. Sales of e-readers continue to rise, yet the cost of digital books and texts has not necessarily decreased to the extent to which many init…
Ako sa deti dokázali hrať bez mobilov? 20 historických fotiek vás vráti do minulosti
Boli to časy, keď deti ešte o mobilných telefónoch a ďalších technologických hračkách ani nechyrovali. Zábavku si však vždy vedeli nájsť bravúrnu. Svedčí o tom aj týchto 20 historických fotografií.