purpose: provides high quality legal services to low income persons with psychiatric disabilities living in Connecticut, primarily on matters related to their treatment and civil rights
purpose: to improve health outcomes and quality of life by providing nutritious meals to the sick and vulnerable, caring for and educating our community
purpose: to support cancer research and public education relating to the prevention, early diagnosis, better treatments and, ultimately, a cure for cancer
purpose: to fight for those who are fighting, speak for those who have fallen silent and provide for those who are working towards the end of ovarian cancer
purpose: to provide grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease
purpose: to eradicate the epidemic of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses by spreading awareness, providing educational resources, funding peer-reviewed research, and supporting advocacy for solutions to end the suffering
purpose: dedicated to the discovery, development and delivery of better, faster-acting and affordable tuberculosis drugs that are available to those who need them