purpose: addresses the unique vulnerabilities of young adults whose choices in education, employment, or relationships defy family expectations, often exposing them to honor-based violence
purpose: to act as a stimulus to develop lasting positive change by actively challenging harmful belief systems and practices that act as the root cause of all forms of abuse within the Sikh and Panjabi community
purpose: organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle, guided by a vision of justice, equality, and dignity for all people
purpose: rooted in sacred, moral, and reproductive justice values, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) is a multifaith, intersectional, and antiracist movement for reproductive freedom and dignity leading in spiritual companionship, curating frameworks for faith leaders, and training the next generation of activists
purpose: empowers the county's diverse 55+ and caregivers by giving them access to culturally sensitive tools and resources to improve their quality of life and give them the opportunity to live with dignity in their communities
purpose: to empower the Yezidi community to heal, rebuild, and establish long-term resilience, while fostering gender equality and women’s rights within the community and broader Iraqi society
purpose: powers progressive Jewish identity through Jewish cultural engagement, Yiddish language learning, multigenerational education, and social justice activism
purpose: through the community, courtrooms, classrooms, and halls of Congress, we work to protect the constitutional right to practice your faith without fear