purpose: advocates for fair and humane immigration policies and connects migrants with humanitarian, legal, and social services — with a particular focus on Black migrants, the Haitian community, women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and survivors of torture
purpose: through the community, courtrooms, classrooms, and halls of Congress, we work to protect the constitutional right to practice your faith without fear
purpose: to provide for the socio-economic betterment of the greater Latino community of California, while preserving the pride, values and heritage of Mexican-American culture
purpose: committed to the pursuit of justice across society, with a specific focus on serving low-income, immigrant, and underserved Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
purpose: empower South Asian survivors of domestic violence to lead lives of dignity and self-sufficiency through holistic programs, and enable healthy relationships and gender equity through community education, engagement, and advocacy
purpose: to reestablish an apex scavenger that has been absent for more than a century, restore the balance and biodiversity that existed prior to Euro-American colonization of the region, and promote a thriving ecology for the benefit of wildlife and humans
purpose: to strengthen the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in the Bay Area by increasing philanthropy and supporting the organizations that serve our most underserved community members
purpose: to enable refugees and immigrants from Cambodia residing in Illinois, especially those in metropolitan Chicago, to become self-sufficient, productive participants in American society while preserving and enhancing their cultural heritage and community
purpose: to promote human rights in Israel in general and the rights of the Palestinian minority, citizens of Israel, in particular (around 1.5 million people, or 20% of the population)
purpose: dedicated to enriching cultural understanding and learning through programs that advance and celebrate African American literature and writers