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Internet stash

#albums #rock
I Am The Dog
I Am The Dog
Sir Chloe is an American indie rock band from Vermont. The group consists of Dana Foote, Teddy O'Mara, Palmer Foote, Emma Welch, and Austin Holmes.
I Am The Dog
You Can Listen, You Can Talk
You Can Listen, You Can Talk
The second studio album from Carsick Cars is the long-awaited “You Can Listen, You Can Talk” from Carsick Cars,” following by nearly two years the explosive and almost joyful anger of their first CD, “Panda Noise”.
You Can Listen, You Can Talk
Porfiado es el cierre de una trilogía que, según la banda, comenzó con el álbum Raro. El disco experimenta con varios géneros pero se caracteriza por ser altamente influenciado por el hip-hop. Su primer sencillo fue “Cuando Sea Grande”, el cual circuló en las redes varios días antes del lanzamiento del disco.
Bad Brains
Bad Brains
The debut, self-titled album of the group Bad Brains. Released originally solely on cassette tape. This album is widely regarded as one of the best punk albums ever made. Additionally, despite Bad Brains' DC roots, this album heavily influenced New York City’s hardcore scene in the mid-late ‘80s.
Bad Brains