The Malware Museum is a collection of malware programs, usually viruses, that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s on home computers. Once they infected a system, they would sometimes show animation or messages that you had been infected.
Adapting motifs and symbols from Chinese visual and cultural traditions, as well as antique photographs of Chinese society by Western observers, Liu transformed documentary-style photography into painterly, personal reflections on canvas and paper.
The mission of the Button Museum to show how as much American history as possible through pinback buttons. The words, artwork, printing style, color, and size were the final result of a vision they wanted to communicate. Buttons tell a peoples' history like anything else!
Objects often made by women, such as utilitarian or decorative pottery and baskets, have historically been marginalized within the canon of art history. Works on display here attest to the history of women as makers of objects that simultaneously preserve traditions and push boundaries in materials including clay, reeds, and silver.
The Mobile Phone Museum is a virtual museum curating mobile phones and a nonprofit organisation aimed at archiving and preserving mobile technology and increasing educational outreach about developments and innovations in the mobile industry.