Magic Poser Webposable model#references#art#making things··Dec 22, 2024Magic Poser Web
theposearchivespose reference images#references#art#making things··Dec 22, 2024theposearchives
Pixeloramafor making pixel art, in browser and downloadable#making things#art#animation··Nov 15, 2024Pixelorama
Paint.NETimage and photo editing software#editing#making things#art#windows··Oct 9, 2024Paint.NET
Pixilartprogram for making pixel art and a social platform for sharing your work#making things#social#art··Oct 3, 2024Pixilart
LibreSpriteprogram for making/animating pixel sprites#art#making things#animation#windows#linux#macOS··Oct 3, 2024LibreSprite
Reference Anglehelps you find references of faces at different angles#references#art#making things··Sep 29, 2024Reference Angle
POSEMANIACS3D pose references for artists#art#references#making things··Sep 19, 2024POSEMANIACS
Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Countguide to figure drawing with a focus on structure and gesture#art#guides/tutorials#making things#lending access··Sep 4, 2024Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count
Wigglypaintdrawing program that lets you make wiggly gifs#making things#art#gifs··Aug 15, 2024Wigglypaint
GIMPimage editor, photo manipulation, art program, graphic design#editing#art#making things#windows#linux#macOS··May 17, 2024GIMP
Blenderengine for making 3D animation, modeling, art, etc#making things#animation#editing#videos#art#windows#macOS#linux··May 17, 2024Blender
Kritaart program for digital illustrations and animation#making things#art#animation#windows#linux#macOS··Jan 25, 2024Krita