PubMed Centralfull text scientific/health research#information access#libraries#research··Dec 12, 2024PubMed Central
Open content on JSTORopen access and free academic content/research on JSTOR#libraries#information access#research··Dec 12, 2024Open content on JSTOR
Planet eBookpublic domain books, limited selection but well formatted#libraries#books··Nov 30, 2024Planet eBook
LibriVoxaudio books and recordings of public domain books and texts#audio books#libraries··Sep 8, 2024LibriVox
AfroLandTVstreaming with ads, focused on black movies/TV#diversity#series#movies#libraries··Mar 12, 2024AfroLandTV
Page By Page Bookspublic domain books and texts#books#stories#libraries··Nov 22, 2023Page By Page Books
Standard Ebookspublic domain ebooks, formatted into readable files#books#libraries··Sep 19, 2023Standard Ebooks
Project Gutenbergfree public domain ebooks#books#libraries··Sep 18, 2023Project Gutenberg