Minecraft Achievement Generatorcustomizable minecraft achievement image#making things#text/image generators·skinmc.net·Sep 19, 2024Minecraft Achievement Generator
MakeSweetcustomizable 3D gifs and animations#making things#gifs#text/image generators·makesweet.com·Sep 19, 2024MakeSweet
Cool Text Graphics Generatorgenerate stylized text and logos, including animated text graphics#gifs#making things#text/image generators·cooltext.com·Sep 19, 2024Cool Text Graphics Generator
Unsplashfreely usable high resolution photos and illustrations#photos and images·unsplash.com·Sep 19, 2024Unsplash
Nappyfreely usable stock photos of black and brown people#photos and images#diversity·nappy.co·Sep 19, 2024Nappy
LibriVoxaudio books and recordings of public domain books and texts#audio books#libraries·librivox.org·Sep 8, 2024LibriVox
Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Countguide to figure drawing with a focus on structure and gesture#art#guides/tutorials#making things#lending access·archive.org·Sep 4, 2024Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count
blinkies.cafegenerate blinkies with custom text#making things#gifs#text/image generators·blinkies.cafe·Aug 29, 2024blinkies.cafe
Wigglypaintdrawing program that lets you make wiggly gifs#making things#art#gifs·internet-janitor.itch.io·Aug 15, 2024Wigglypaint
10015 Toolslibrary of tools and resources for web development#making things#websites·10015.io·Jun 15, 202410015 Tools
Addy's Toolkittools and resources for web development#websites#making things·toolkit.addy.codes·Jun 15, 2024Addy's Toolkit
Free Guestbookguestbook for websites#websites#social#making things·smartgb.com·Jun 15, 2024Free Guestbook
Pollcodecreate polls to share or add to your website#polls#websites#making things#html·pollcode.com·Jun 15, 2024Pollcode
Chattablelive chat you can add to your neocities site#websites#social#making things#css#neocities·iframe.chat·Jun 14, 2024Chattable
SCM Music Playeradds your custom music playlist to your website#websites#making things#css#music·scmplayer.net·Jun 14, 2024SCM Music Player
Contrast Checkertests color contrast against accessibility guidelines#accessibility·contrastchecker.com·May 19, 2024Contrast Checker
Border Imagehelps generate CSS image borders for websites#websites#making things#css·border-image.com·May 19, 2024Border Image
Neocitieswebsite builder and directory#websites#making things#neocities·neocities.org·May 19, 2024Neocities
Describing Wordshelps find adjectives to describe nouns#writing#words and dictionaries·describingwords.io·May 18, 2024Describing Words
inkscripting language for making games#making things#games#macOS#windows#linux·inklestudios.com·May 17, 2024ink
GIMPimage editor, photo manipulation, art program, graphic design#editing#art#making things#windows#linux#macOS·gimp.org·May 17, 2024GIMP
Visual Boy Advance - Mgame boy and game boy advance emulator#emulators#games#linux#windows#macOS·github.com·May 17, 2024Visual Boy Advance - M
GB Studiodrag and drop game creator for making game boy games#making things#games#macOS#windows#linux·gbstudio.dev·May 17, 2024GB Studio
pixsytool for the bitsy engine, helps convert images into bitsy#making things#games#bitsy·ruin.itch.io·May 17, 2024pixsy
bitsyengine for making games and interactive stories#making things#games#bitsy·bitsy.org·May 17, 2024bitsy
FontStructtool for making fonts, downloading and sharing fonts#fonts#making things·fontstruct.com·May 17, 2024FontStruct