Library of Congress Free to Use and Reusevarious content that is free to use and reuse#photos and images#audio#videos··Dec 21, 2024Library of Congress Free to Use and Reuse
Yellowstone National Park Video Libraryvideos taken in Yellowstone, available for download/use#videos··Nov 27, 2024Yellowstone National Park Video Library
HandBraketool for converting video files into different formats, good for ripping DVDs#videos#converting#windows#macOS#linux··Nov 27, 2024HandBrake
Pexelsfree to use stock photos and videos, no generative AI allowed#photos and images#videos··Nov 27, 2024Pexels
cobalttool for saving and downloading content from websites, no trackers or ads#download#videos#audio#privacy··Nov 17, 2024cobalt
Blenderengine for making 3D animation, modeling, art, etc#making things#animation#editing#videos#art#windows#macOS#linux··May 17, 2024Blender
OpenShot Video Editorvideo editor#making things#editing#videos#linux#macOS#windows··Oct 29, 2023OpenShot Video Editor