Family Law [Australia] ➲ Duty of Disclosure Quiz

Master ➲ Smart List
Californian Community Property v. Australian Family Law
New Client ➲ Family Law Questionnaire [Australia]
⚖️ Do you need help with a family law issue but don't know where to start?
⚖️ Or are you contemplating entering a new relationship or marriage and want to protect your assets?
No matter your stage in life or the events that are occurring, reviewing your situation from a family law perspective can help you understand how to best protect yourself and your family in the future.
Family Law Settlement Service
The practitioner's guide to family law 5th edition
Published by the NSW Law Society Family Law Committee
Compulsory pre-filing family dispute resolution court procedures and requirements 0921 v1
This fact sheet is for people who need information on the procedures and requirements for compulsory Family Dispute Resolution prior to the commencement of family law proceedings.
Before you file pre action procedure for parenting cases 0921 v1
Mandatory Prescribed Court Brochure for Parenting Cases
Before you file pre action procedure for financial cases 0921 v1
Mandatory Prescribed Court Brochure for Financial Cases
Marriage families and separation web 0921v2
Mandatory Prescribed Court Brochure for All Cases