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Auf der Spur der Spucke
Auf der Spur der Spucke
Eine Million Gurgeltests pro Woche sollen die Pandemie in Wien bremsen. Hinter den Kulissen von Lifebrain, dem größten Corona-Labor Europas verbirgt sich High-Tech, Geschäftssinn, Sozialpolitik und Erfindergeist
Auf der Spur der Spucke
Covid-19: Peak of viral shedding is later with omicron variant, Japanese data suggest
Covid-19: Peak of viral shedding is later with omicron variant, Japanese data suggest
Patients with the omicron variant of covid-19 shed virus for longer after symptoms emerge, show data from Japan, potentially jeopardising hopes that the period of isolation for people testing positive could be shortened. Preliminary data from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases—which conducts disease surveillance in Japan—suggest that the amount of viral RNA is highest three to six days after diagnosis or symptom onset.1 The isolation period for people testing positive for covid-19 was recently cut from 10 days to seven in England if two lateral flow tests returned negative results on days six and seven. Similar cuts to isolation have followed in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Staff absences …
Covid-19: Peak of viral shedding is later with omicron variant, Japanese data suggest
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki on Twitter
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki on Twitter
So excited to be a part of this important study led by @michelle_monje on how significant longterm neurologic damage can occur after a mild respiratory-only SARS-CoV-2 infection. My own🧵on the findings of this study with relevance to #longCovid (1/)— Prof. Akiko Iwasaki (@VirusesImmunity) January 16, 2022
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki on Twitter
Long-Covid-Expertin warnt: „Mehrere Hunderttausend bis Millionen Menschen werden Spätfolgen haben“
Long-Covid-Expertin warnt: „Mehrere Hunderttausend bis Millionen Menschen werden Spätfolgen haben“
Wer an Corona-Spätfolgen leidet, müsse monatelang auf Termine in Ambulanzen und Rehazentren warten, berichtet die Long-Covid-Spezialistin Jördis Frommhold. Im RND-Interview sorgt sich die Chefärztin um die Folgen der Omikron-Welle. Oft seien bei Long Covid 20- bis 50-jährige gesunde und leistungsstarke Menschen ohne Vorerkrankungen betroffen.
Long-Covid-Expertin warnt: „Mehrere Hunderttausend bis Millionen Menschen werden Spätfolgen haben“
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Much research shows that blood calcidiol (25(OH)D3) levels correlate strongly with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity. There is open discussion regarding whether low D3 is caused by the infection or if deficiency negatively affects immune defense. The aim of this study was to collect further evidence on this topic. Methods: Systematic literature search was performed to identify retrospective cohort as well as clinical studies on COVID-19 mortality rates versus D3 blood levels. Mortality rates from clinical studies were corrected for age, sex, and diabetes. Data were analyzed using correlation and linear regression. Results: One population study and seven clinical studies were identified, which reported D3 blood levels preinfection or on the day of hospital admission. The two independent datasets showed a negative Pearson correlation of D3 levels and mortality risk (r(17) = −0.4154, p = 0.0770/r(13) = −0.4886, p = 0.0646). For the combined data, median (IQR) D3 levels were 23.2 ng/mL (17.4–26.8), and a significant Pearson correlation was observed (r(32) = −0.3989, p = 0.0194). Regression suggested a theoretical point of zero mortality at approximately 50 ng/mL D3. Conclusions: The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Emanuel Wyler on Twitter
Emanuel Wyler on Twitter
Omikron im Berliner Abwasser:- Am 8. Dezember 2021 bei 5%- Am 23. Dezember bei 40%- Am 29. Dezember bei 65%- Am 5. Januar 2022 bei 90%Damit wurde die Delta-Variante in Berlin innert 5 Wochen quasi komplett verdrängt, ungefähr 2 Wochen zeitverzögert gegenüber Großbritannien.— Emanuel Wyler (@ewyler) January 13, 2022
Emanuel Wyler on Twitter
Dominique de Quervain on Twitter
Dominique de Quervain on Twitter
COVID-19 führt auch nach mildem Verlauf häufig (10% plus) zu anhaltenden neurologischen Störungen wie Gedächtnisproblemen, Fatigue oder Geruchsstörungen. Ein 🧵 aus neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive. (1/n)#LongCovid #PostCovid— Dominique de Quervain (@quervain_de) January 3, 2022
Dominique de Quervain on Twitter
Anästhet on Twitter
Anästhet on Twitter
Da die Diskussion gerade hochkocht, mal ein paar Gedanken zu #NoCovid und endemischer Situation. Langfristig betrachtet.Die Pandemie ist deswegen ein Problem, weil das Virus 2020 auf eine komplett immunnaive Welt getroffen ist. Aus diesem Zustand führen 2 Wege:— Anästhet (@Anaesthet1) December 31, 2021
Anästhet on Twitter
Counting the neurological cost of COVID-19
Counting the neurological cost of COVID-19
Nature Reviews Neurology - The neurological deficits caused by COVID-19, which were first reported in the early months of 2020, continue to intrigue neurologists and health-care professionals...
Counting the neurological cost of COVID-19
Viola Priesemann on Twitter
Viola Priesemann on Twitter
Wie werden sich die #Omikron-Fallzahlen entwickeln, und wie sieht die entsprechende Krankenhausbelastung aus?Ein langer Thread über unseren Preprint:— Viola Priesemann (@ViolaPriesemann) December 23, 2021
Viola Priesemann on Twitter