Two hands placed firmly together, meaning please or thank you in Japanese culture. A common alternative use for this emoji is for praye...
Kein digitales Angebot ist barrierefrei – wie wir das ändern wollen
16. Mai 2024 - Accessibility ist für alle Mitarbeitenden des DigitalService wichtig: Schon im Onboarding gibt es ein verpflichtendes Modul. Wir zeigen, wie das Thema auch in unseren Projekten früh mitgedacht wird.
Teach Access provides the Accessibility Skills Hiring Toolkit to help organizations build internal capacity for producing accessible digital products by developing a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. The toolkit currently provides Position Description Language and Interview Questions.
Information about the website, GSA’s Government-wide IT Accessibility Team, and guidance to Federal agencies on accessible information and communication technology (ICT).
Alternative (alt) text is a textual substitute for non-text content within your course materials. Alt text is descriptive text that conveys a visual item's meaning and context in a digital...
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.
The NDS is a coherent set of standards and principles that combine neurodiversity and user experience design for Learning Management Systems. Design accessible learning interfaces to support success and achievement for everyone.
Choosing the right font for learners will increase retention time, reduce fatigue and support good stress. A legible, readable font should be a sans-serif, humanist typeface, with suitable letter and word spacing. Simple shapes assist with speed and help reduce cognitive loads.
… a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute of America. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
Dyslexie font does not benefit reading in children with or without dyslexia - PubMed
In two experiments, the claim was tested that the font "Dyslexie", specifically designed for people with dyslexia, eases reading performance of children with (and without) dyslexia. Three questions were investigated. (1) Does the Dyslexie font lead to faster and/or more accurate reading? (2) Do chil …
Design decisions have an impact on societies and the environment. Making the impact of design tangible facilitates the mitigation of its negative consequences. The purpose of this paper is to outline what methods and actions a User Experience (UX) practitioner could use in order to support sustainable development. At Ergosign GmbH, an agency creating digital experiences, we conducted a review of existing guidelines and principles to determine the relevance and usefulness of those frameworks in the User Experience Design (UXD) context. The analysis resulted in the creation of six guiding principles to introduce sustainability concerns into the design process. Additionally, we mapped related UX methods and heuristics to each principle. Each of the six principles, as well as an exemplary method, are described in detail in this article. A first practical evaluation of the principles suggests that assessing impact and identifying preventive actions is possible at all stages of the design process. Furthermore, there is no strict correlation of a principle with a particular project phase. While an early analysis generates a more holistic action plan, a later assessment provides more concrete advice. Both approaches can deliver notable improvements in the reduction of resource usage.