

Performance is the Moat » Mike Industries
Performance is the Moat » Mike Industries
There is no shortage of opinions about today’s news that Adobe will be acquiring Figma, so I’ll try not to repeat any of what’s already been said here. A lot of it boils down to designers and engineers being understandably …
Performance is the Moat » Mike Industries
Elliot Jay Stocks | Adobe Figma
Elliot Jay Stocks | Adobe Figma
Elliot Jay Stocks is a creative director, writes about typography, and makes music as Other Form
Elliot Jay Stocks | Adobe Figma
37 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your UI Designs
37 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your UI Designs
Illustrated tips for making your UI and web designs more visually interesting · Backgrounds · Borders & dividers · Shadows · Text · Other techniques
37 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your UI Designs
The web home of Eric A. Meyer, CSS guy; and his wife Kathryn, doctor of nursing.
Ist das deutsche Apotheken-Logo so scheiße und Fraktur eine „Nazi-Schrift“, wie Jan Böhmermann behauptet?
Ist das deutsche Apotheken-Logo so scheiße und Fraktur eine „Nazi-Schrift“, wie Jan Böhmermann behauptet?
In der „Fest & Flauschig“-Folge „Gesund durch die Schwangerschaft“ geht der Satiriker/Podcaster/Entertainer Böhmermann auf das Logo und Markenzeichen der deutschen Apotheken ein. Böhmermann erklärt, das Logo, ein rotes „A“, das in den 1930er-Jahren entworfen wurde, sehe „völlig scheiße“ aus, und er verstehe nicht, weshalb Apotheken heute noch eine „alte Nazi-Schrift“ im Logo verwendeten.
Ist das deutsche Apotheken-Logo so scheiße und Fraktur eine „Nazi-Schrift“, wie Jan Böhmermann behauptet?
Lela Finkbeiner on Twitter
Lela Finkbeiner on Twitter
Ich lieb es, beworbenen 1000000ten Workshop zum Thema "Barrierefreie Webseiten" eben im Internet gefunden, von Riesen wie Öffentlich Rechtlichen mitgestaltet, von "Sozialorganisation" finanziert, ABER der Workshop selber ist nicht barrierefrei zugänglich. Was sagt uns das?— Lela Finkbeiner (@LelaFinkbeiner) August 29, 2022
Lela Finkbeiner on Twitter
What Makes A Great Toggle Button? (Case Study, Part 2) — Smashing Magazine
What Makes A Great Toggle Button? (Case Study, Part 2) — Smashing Magazine
The problem of how to design an effective toggle button that shows the selected option clearly is a long-term open question among UI/UX designers. In this second part, Eduard Kuric explains a complex list of visual cues used by toggle buttons to communicate which of their options is active.
What Makes A Great Toggle Button? (Case Study, Part 2) — Smashing Magazine
Massimo on Twitter
Massimo on Twitter
3D artist Jigar Patel (@jigpx) makes mesmerizing computer graphic animations. He created a series of brilliant clips called “Logo Factory”, and it's quite hard to stop looking at themTikTok:— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) August 23, 2022
Massimo on Twitter
Rolling Stone ◀ Custom ◀ XYZ Type
Rolling Stone ◀ Custom ◀ XYZ Type
Few magazines have a visual presence as iconic as Rolling Stone’s—outlandish, ornate, and memorable. Roger Black approached XYZ Type to redesign the classic logo in 2021. We were thrilled at the prospect of putting our own lettering on the cover of this influential magazine, and intrigued by the challenge of celebrating the publication’s visual history by creating something entirely new.
Rolling Stone ◀ Custom ◀ XYZ Type