In den letzten Wochen und Monaten hab ich mich oft und gerne zum Thema gendersensible Sprache ausgetauscht. Eine der ersten und dringendsten Fragen ist meistens: Stern oder Doppelpunkt? Auf Twitter beobachte ich immer wieder Personen, die sich über die Zeichen echauffieren oder mit einer unsinnigen
Every design is a system | by Benek Lisefski | May, 2021
When I encounter inexperienced designers, there’s one thing that always sticks out about the way they think. Or more specifically, the way they don’t think. They don’t think of every design project…
How we built an open source design system to create new community logos |
As interaction designers on Red Hat's User Experience (UX) Design and Ansible product teams, we worked for about six months to build a logo family with the Ansible community. This journey started even earlier when a project manager asked us for a "quick and easy" logo for a slide deck. After gathering a few requirements, we presented a logo to the stakeholders within a few days and without much need for iteration. A few months later, another stakeholder decided they would also benefit from having imagery for their materials, so we repeated the process.
CSS Layout has been transformed over the past years. We have you covered with all you need to master this new world. If you want to understand the technical details, or learn how to use new CSS creatively, these guides can help.
In Adobe XD it’s important to illustrate how your layouts are going to behave responsively. Learn how to best use XD’s toolsets to efficiently create responsive design mockups.
► Unlimited Photos, Fonts & Templates with Envato Elements:
Source Files:
1. Introduction
0:00 1. 1Responsive Design in Adobe XD
2. Responsive Refresher
0:49 2.1 Responsive Design Is Just Two Things
6:41 2.2 Workflow, Breakpoints, and Do We Still Do “Mobile First”?
3. Responsive Design in Adobe XD
16:18 3.1Quick Overview of What You Can Do in XD
• Code-Friendly Design With Adobe XD:
• This Is Adobe XD:
21:15 3.2 The “Responsive Resize” Function
30:20 3.3 Artboards and Responsiveness
34:27 3.4 Emulating Flexible Width Columns
43:44 3.5 “Repeat Grid” and Responsiveness
• Prototyping an App With Adobe XD:
• Logo:
• Image Placeholder:
• Social Icons:
52:14 3.6 Handling Text
57:20 3.7 Create a Max-Width Artboard
4. Breakpoint Artboards
59:34 4.1 Creating Breakpoint Artboards
1:03:07 4.2 1000px Breakpoint
1:06:28 4.3 900px Breakpoint
1:10:21 4.4 700px Breakpoint
1:14:51 4.5 500px Breakpoint
1:17:48 4.6 400px Breakpoint
1:20:47 4.7 Smallest Breakpoint
5. Conclusion
1:24:42 5.1 Device-Specific Artboards
1:28:18 5.2 Wrapping Up
► Want to learn Adobe XD? Check out our new free course Adobe XD for Beginners:
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Envato Tuts+
Discover free how-to tutorials and online courses. Design a logo, create a website, build an app, or learn a new skill:
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Envato Elements
All the creative assets you need under one subscription. Customize your project by adding unique photos, fonts, graphics, and themes: adobe xd responsive design
Fontshare is a free fonts service from ITF, making quality fonts accessible to all. It’s a growing collection of professional grade fonts that are 100% free for commercial and personal use.
EXPERIENCE JAPAN PICTOGRAMS are a novel set of visual symbols developed for people of all cultures and ages to enhance their tourism experience in Japan.
… an easy to use, open-source, native colour picker for macOS. Pika makes it simple to quickly find colours onscreen, in the format you need, so you can get on with being a speedy, successful designer.
This site shows such schemes, developed with the help of mathematical descriptions of colour differences and the two main types of colour-blind vision. A colour scheme should reflect the type of data shown.
SVGBox makes it dead-easy to include icons in your project. Simple tags: that's all you need. No CSS, JS, file uploads, or inline SVGs. It's completely free and delivered over Cloudflare CDN, the same technology that powers CDNJs's 190B+ monthly requests .