

Solid UI Kit
Solid UI Kit
Design Kindle offers free design resouces, including graphics, vectors, icons, patterns, textures and fully coded website templates. All downloads are free to use in both commercial and personal projects.
Solid UI Kit
Visual Designers Are Just As Important As UX Designers
Visual Designers Are Just As Important As UX Designers
As I explained in my previous post, user experience design is a multidisciplinary activity which includes psychology, user research, information architecture, interaction design, graphic design and a host of other disciplines. Due to the complexity of the field a user experience team will typically be made up of individuals with a range of different specialisms.
Visual Designers Are Just As Important As UX Designers
News Redux
News Redux
«Digital news is broken. Actually, news itself is broken. Almost all news organizations have abandoned reporting in favor of editorial; have cultivated reader opinion in place of responsibility; and have traded ethical standards for misdirection and whatever consensus defines as forgivable. And this is before you even lay eyes on what passes for news design on a monitor or device screen these days. […]»
News Redux
Best Practices For Designing Websites For Kids
Best Practices For Designing Websites For Kids
Designing websites and related media for kids presents plenty of opportunities for Web designers. Openings are available at many businesses and schools, as well as through parents and kids themselves, giving designers many ways to find work on electronic and print projects that appeal to kids. The types of work range from interface designs for video games to websites for birthday parties.
Best Practices For Designing Websites For Kids