

How To Get Sign-Off For Your Designs
How To Get Sign-Off For Your Designs
“How did you do that?” My colleague Leigh sounded impressed. He had been working with a problem client for weeks trying to get design approval. Then I came along and was able to get signed-off in a single conference call. “Can you teach me how you did that?” he asked. I mumbled something about years of experience, but the truth was I didn’t have a clue. It just seems I can find design approval easier than most.
How To Get Sign-Off For Your Designs
The Ultimate 20 Usability Tips for Your Website
The Ultimate 20 Usability Tips for Your Website
Usability is ridiculously important to your website. It doesn't matter how cool your website looks or how amazing your content is if visitors can't quickly, easily, and enjoyably access and use it. Many of them will eventually just give up and look elsewhere. So how do you make your website as usable as possible? Well, you're in luck, because this article features 20 usability tips for your website. Technology will always change, thus changing the usability tips. So make sure you share your own tips and tricks with the rest of us.
The Ultimate 20 Usability Tips for Your Website
Der New Yorker Designer Karl Zahn hat mit Slide eine Pendelleuchte entworfen, bei der man nicht nur die Helligkeit, sondern auch den Lichtkegel steuern kann. Die Metallspangen werden durch ein umlaufendes Band zusammen gehalten und je nach Position wird der Schirm geöffnet oder geschlossen. (via