

icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)
icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)
[…] For the past few years, we have been anticipating the need for larger and larger graphics in user interfaces. This need is driven by displays with higher densities—in a few years time, our current 100 dpi displays will seem as quaint as a 640×480
icon size : WWDC and Beyond : Iconfactory (16.Aug.06)
Expanse dream. create. do.
Expanse dream. create. do.
Expanse is a content management system designed for creative people (like you). What does that mean? It means no more having to create a bunch of redundant HTML pages over and over again for content that you've already written. It means being able to con
Expanse dream. create. do.
Rules of logo design (CreativeGuy)
Rules of logo design (CreativeGuy)
Logo design is one of the most difficult aspects of design. It’s one of those things you have a hard time separating personal taste from good communication and branding. Here are a few rules I have come up with for myself over the years when I work on a
Rules of logo design (CreativeGuy)
How to Improve Your Logo
How to Improve Your Logo
Logo "touch-up" is one of our most frequent requests. Our final work must be more effective, more visually appealing, and most importantly, recognizable as a revision of the old logo. How do we go about this? I wrote this guide both to offer potential bus
How to Improve Your Logo
Die FactWorks GmbH bietet forschungsbasierte Beratungsleistungen für Fragestellungen des strategischen Marketing an. Durch die Anwendung innovativer, zum Teil selbst entwickelter Marktforschungsmethoden und -verfahren werden Daten zu relevanten Informati
Pro qm, thematische Buchhandlung
Pro qm, thematische Buchhandlung
2006-06-30 12:03:35 0200 from thematische Buchhandlung zu Stadt, Politik, Pop, Oekonomiekritik, Architektur, Design, Kunst --- thematische Buchhandlung zu Stadt, Politik, Pop, Oekonomiekritik, Architektur, Design, Kunst
Pro qm, thematische Buchhandlung
2006-07-19 01:14:34 0200 from new title:Designszene Berlin --- 2006-07-11 23:36:30 0200 from new title:Designszene Berlin --- 2006-06-30 12:03:35 0200 from new title:Designszene Berlin --- 2006-06-23 02:16:41 0200 f
red dot online
red dot online
Der Red Dot Award ist ein internationaler Designwettbewerb für Produktdesign, Kommunikationsdesign und Designkonzepte.
red dot online