

Sandeep Yajurvedi | Logo & Brand Designer on Instagram: "Halftone Text Effect In Illustrator Save It For Later 🏷️ Visit YouTube Channel For More Illustrator Tutorials . . #illustration_daily #illustrationtutorial #illustratortutorial #illustrationcolors #illustratorsoninstagram #illustration #illustrator #logo #logos #logoinspiration #logocolor #logodesign #color #graphicdesign #graphicdesigntutorial #graphics #graphicdesigner #tutorial #learnillustrator #sensture #pattern #tools #illustratortools #logoinspirations #tutorial #ai"
Sandeep Yajurvedi | Logo & Brand Designer on Instagram: "Halftone Text Effect In Illustrator Save It For Later 🏷️ Visit YouTube Channel For More Illustrator Tutorials . . #illustration_daily #illustrationtutorial #illustratortutorial #illustrationcolors #illustratorsoninstagram #illustration #illustrator #logo #logos #logoinspiration #logocolor #logodesign #color #graphicdesign #graphicdesigntutorial #graphics #graphicdesigner #tutorial #learnillustrator #sensture #pattern #tools #illustratortools #logoinspirations #tutorial #ai"
18K likes, 53 comments - on March 4, 2024: "Halftone Text Effect In Illustrator Save It For Later 🏷️ Visit YouTube Channel For More Illustrator Tutorials . . #illustration_dail..."
Sandeep Yajurvedi | Logo & Brand Designer on Instagram: "Halftone Text Effect In Illustrator Save It For Later 🏷️ Visit YouTube Channel For More Illustrator Tutorials . . #illustration_daily #illustrationtutorial #illustratortutorial #illustrationcolors #illustratorsoninstagram #illustration #illustrator #logo #logos #logoinspiration #logocolor #logodesign #color #graphicdesign #graphicdesigntutorial #graphics #graphicdesigner #tutorial #learnillustrator #sensture #pattern #tools #illustratortools #logoinspirations #tutorial #ai"
Shai | Product Design + AI (@shai.hq) on Threads
Shai | Product Design + AI (@shai.hq) on Threads
You don't need After Effects! It's overkill for product designers. Here are the top UI/micro-animation tools: Micro interaction & animations: jitter(.)video lottielab(.)com...
Shai | Product Design + AI (@shai.hq) on Threads
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
Traditional methods for accessibility have been tried for 30 years without substantially improving computer usability for disabled users. It’s time for a change, and AI will soon come to the rescue with the ability to generate a different user interface for every user, optimized for that person’s unique needs.
Accessibility Has Failed: Try Generative UI = Individualized UX
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
VANILLA WEB DESIGNGestalten mit Browser, Git und KirbyWieso als Designer:in mit Git arbeiten? Weshalb den Browser als wichtigste App schätzen? Und warum Kirby als Redaktionssystem nutzen?Johanna und Nils sprechen darüber, wie sie als Designteam ihren Tech Stack aus Browser, Text Editor, Git und Kirby CMS für detailorientiertes Gestalten im Web nutzen. Sie beleuchten Projektabläufe, Prozesse und Systeme von Konzeption und Entwurf zu nachhaltiger Realisierung.WerJohanna und Nils Hörrmann bilden das interdisziplinäre Büro für Gestaltung hana+nils aus Braunschweig. Seit 2011 erarbeiten sie mit Kund:innen aus dem In- und Ausland visuelle Projekte in Print und Web.
BDG-Feierabend on air: Vanilla-Webdesign
Kirby CMS (
Kirby CMS (
Sunday watch: Vanilla Web Design. ✨A great talk by @hananils about working with browser, text editor, Git and Kirby for detail-orientated design on the web. In 🇩🇪. #webdev #webdesign
Kirby CMS (
Typetopia (@typetopia) on Threads
Typetopia (@typetopia) on Threads
Typetopia (@typetopia). 4 Replies. 430 Likes. For those who aren't into the Pattern Tool in Adobe Illustrator. Design Threads.
Typetopia (@typetopia) on Threads
Accessibility-Overlays – alles gesagt
Accessibility-Overlays – alles gesagt
Über Accessibility-Overlays wurde in den letzten Wochen und Monaten bereits viel geschrieben. Abgesehen von Eigenwerbung, größtenteils schlecht recherchierten Presseartikeln und PR in eigener Sache, setzen sich alle anderen Veröffentlichungen sehr kritisch mit Accessibility-Overlays auseinander. Diese Veröffentlichungen stammen von Accessibility-Experten, Menschen mit Behinderung in eigener Sache und Juristen.
Accessibility-Overlays – alles gesagt
Designing services for people who need help with numbers
Designing services for people who need help with numbers
Low numeracy affects half of adults in the UK. Many live with the limitations of not understanding numbers and the impact that has on everyday life.
Designing services for people who need help with numbers