Streit ums Judentum - Wer gilt als Jude und wer darf als solcher reden?
Muss man von einer jüdischen Mutter abstammen, um als jüdische Stimme im Diskurs zu gelten? Darüber streiten gerade die Publizisten Maxim Biller und Max Czollek. In Wirklichkeit gehe es dabei aber um etwas anderes, meint der Journalist Ofer Waldman.
Jewish Anarchist Women 1920-1950: The Politics of Sexuality
Elaine Leeder will discuss eight Jewish women who identified as anarchists, active during the 1920s to 1950s, and explore the complete sexual freedom that these women sought at a time when conventionality and conformity was the norm.
What an absolutely fantastic, rich & complex life! Gay, Muslim, and Jewish in Berlin A new biography explores the life of Hugo Marcus, a gay Jew who played a key role in the establishment of Islam in Germany before fleeing from Hitler. tabletmag.com/secti
A new biography explores the life of Hugo Marcus, a gay Jew who played a key role in the establishment of Islam in Germany before fleeing from Hitler
The Israeli Black Panthers Haggadah: 50th Anniversary Edition
This passover, pre order the incredible revival of the Israeli Black Panthers’ Protest Haggadah from 1971 by @NewIsraelFund & @JewishCurrents! Inspired by the Black Power movement, Israeli Black Panthers formed in the 70's to protest anti-mizrahi racism.