Everything Thaws - Ben Yehuda Press
R.B. Lemberg’s poems are a manifesto of memories, unearthing worlds that are gone and poignantly present: their childhood in the Soviet Union, suspended between Ukraine and the permafrost of Siberia, among the traumatized, silent, persecuted members of their Jewish family; Lemberg’s coming of age in Israel, being the other wherever they go, both internally and […]
Milwaukee’s Goldye Steiner: First Black woman cantor in the golden age of Jewish prayer music
Milwaukee lays claim to the first known Black-American woman cantor or singer of Jewish prayer music. Gladys Mae Sellers grew up in Milwaukee in the late 1800s and moved to New York and became Goldye Steiner. Milwaukee advocates are bringing attention to her story.
Judentum in der DDR - Vom Überleben einer Minderheit
In der DDR erlebten die jüdischen Gemeinden einen stetigen Mitgliederschwund. Das Verhältnis der Staatsführung zu den Juden im Land pendelte von offenem Antisemitismus - es gab Verhaftungen und Fluchtbewegungen in den Westen - bis hin zur Gleichgültigkeit. Mittlerweile blüht das jüdische Leben wieder.
Serge from Babka (@serge@babka.social)
Why do most Americans think all #Jews speak #Yiddish ? What are the differences between the #Ashkenazi and #Sepahardi? This lovely video from Unpacked explains it concisely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-TjGJ9bgKQ Unpacked has a lot of great videos on the topic of Jews and Judaism, suitable for both Jews and gentiles!
I'm a Jewish Convert. I'm Also an Atheist. - Hey Alma
When I first tell people I converted to Judaism, there is, initially, surprise (I use enough Yiddish to fool anyone into thinking I attended Hebrew school) and then something else, something like… worry?My social circles skew nonreligious, and any spiritually-inclined friends tend towards the occult; usually, the worry is that they have unwittingly said something […]