Center for Jewish Art

elizabeth on Twitter
Persian amulet made around 1930 featuring everyone's favorite Lilith scarers (Sanoi, Sananoi, and Samangalaf)— elizabeth (@shvlman) May 11, 2022
Jewish Essay
An exploration of Jewishness in contemporary Russia.
Am Yisrael High: The Story of Jews and Cannabis | YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Journal of Germanic Linguistics | Latest issue | Cambridge Core
Journal of Germanic Linguistics
REVEALED: Jewdas Seder Maggid 5782
What’s Marijuana Doing In The Talmud — And Hashish Too?
Marijuana, as it turns out, has a history that goes all the way back to the Mishna and the Talmud where it is known as "cannabus."
Is ‘Passover’ Actually a Mistranslation?
I recently learned I’d been misled about Passover for my entire life.
PRE-ORDER FOR PASSOVER 2023: The Israeli Black Panthers Haggadah – Jewish Currents
The Joy of Yiddish Books | Molly Crabapple
CYCO books is not New York’s last Yiddish bookstore. Yiddish bookstores do a brisk trade in Hassidic Brooklyn, where some 150,000 people still speak the
Mizrakh mi ma'arav
Jewish Currents is proud to release Black Ox Orkestar’s first recording in more than a decade.
What Is Gematria? | My Jewish Learning
jewish,learning,judaism, numbers, gematria, numerical values, letters, alphabet, significance, Louis Jacobs
When I Grow Up: The Lost Autobiographies of Six Yiddish Teenagers
A Guide to Jewish Acronyms and Abbreviations
For centuries before text-messaging and emailing birthed ubiquitous linguistic shorthand terms like LOL, TTYL and IMHO, Jews were not just ...
The Tattoo Taboo in Judaism
The Jewish world has a longstanding aversion to tattoos. Even among largely secular Jews, the taboo against body ink remains ...
Jewish Law and Body Piercing: A Conservative Perspective
Body Piercing in Jewish Law. Adorning the Jewish Body. The Jewish Body.
Can A Jew Get Body Piercings?
Does Jewish law allow body piercing? While most contemporary Jewish authorities believe that ear piercing is generally fine, the matter ...
Rache: Geschichte und Fantasie - Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
18.03.2022 - 17.07.2022
Von Gott zu Quentin Tarantino: Eine außergewöhnliche Ausstellung nimmt erstmals den Topos "Rache" in der jüdischen Kulturgeschichte in den Blick. Die Schau spannt einen Bogen von biblischen Erzählungen über rabbinische Schriften, judenfeindliche Mythen und jüdische Legenden bis hin zu populärkulturellen Erzählungen. In ihrem Zentrum stehen Zeugnisse der Ermordeten, die Rache für das Verbrechen der Schoa einfordern.
Jewish Autonomous Oblast ⓦ
Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman on Twitter
This is like the best ‘which Jewish books should I buy?’ thread of all-time.This is your starter library. (Plus @theradr ‘s “Surprised by God” and “Nurture the Wow”).— Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman (@RabbiMarkAsherG) February 15, 2022
The Kabbalistic Secret of Kissing | My Jewish Learning
“Please do not forget to let people know what the Baal Shem Tov said about the reason that Mashiach’s [messiah] ...
Jews in Comic Books
Comic Books. Mainstream Jewish Literature. Mainstream Jewish Writers. Jewish American Literature. Jewish Literature.
Judentum und Soziale Medien - Chajms Sicht
Judentum und Social Media – so könnte man die sozialen Medien »jüdisch« verwenden: »Tzipporim« möchte ein dementsprechender Reiseführer sein. Weiterlesen
Friedhof Heerstraße
Glikl and her Sisters: The Creative Lives of 17th-Century Jewish Women | Yiddish Book Center
Combining short lectures by renowned faculty with lively small-group discussions, this course will give students a rare glimpse into the creative lives of Jewish women.
Have Yourself a Yiddish Little Christmas
Rokhl’s Golden City: The rise of ‘nitl nakht,’ and the outsider appeal of the supernatural
Nelly Sachs’ Apfelbaum
Zum Neujahr der Bäume geht es im Jüdischen Garten in Marzahn um Kultur und Naturschutz
The Giant Robots of Babel
Past and future collide in this retelling of the Tower of Babel story including angels and giant mecha robots!
The ‘Revival’ Is Over, Let’s Talk Continuity
In 1979, when Henry Sapoznik founded the klezmer band Kapelye, he was among a cohort of passionate young musicians, musicologists and cultural workers who sought to reclaim Eastern European Jewish music and link themselves to still-living masters of that tradition. It was hard work. Relatively little had been done to preserve or transmit the culture of Eastern European Jewish immigrants in America.
Ask the Expert: Do I Have to be 40 to Study Kabbalah?
I heard that you shouldn't start learning Kabbalah until you're 40 years old. Is this true? Why? Why 40 in particular?