Wem ist damit genutzt, wenn Google CO2-neutral produziert, während sich auf seinen Servern die Klimalügen potenzieren? Und was nützt ein Diversitätsprogramm bei Meta, wenn sich in Facebook-Gruppen Nazis organisieren?
Global actors, led by the World Bank, are energetically promoting biometric and other digital ID systems that are increasingly linked to large-scale human rights violations, especially in the Global South.
Scanning without a Scanner: Digitizing Your Film with a DSLR
There is no doubt that digital photography is here to stay, and film has certainly seen better days, in terms of availability and affordability. However, what if you’re a digital photographer who simply wants to shoot a roll of film every once in a while, for fun? Film photography has a distinct look that, even with the latest and greatest 50MP cameras, cannot be duplicated by digital imaging. It’s subjective to say whether one look is better or worse, but there is no denying that there is a unique quality to film.
(german version → http://www.zeit.de/digital/mobil/2016-03/digitalisierung-big-data-soziale-netzwerke-ueberwachung-umgang-digital-denken/komplettansicht )
»Unsere vernetzten Alltagsgegenstände sind die Erweiterung unserer Persönlichkeit. Deshalb dürfen wir nicht zulassen, dass unsere persönlichen Daten abgegriffen werden.« –Aral Balkan (original english version → https://ar.al/notes/the-nature-of-the-self-in-the-digital-age/)