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Things vs OmniFocus vs Todoist: A comparison of the best GTD app suites
There are lots of great task managers out there, but the three we see the most are Things, OmniFocus, and Todoist. All three offer you the tools you need to wrangle your tasks and projects, but each takes a little bit of a different approach.
Passwörter: BSI verabschiedet sich vom präventiven, regelmäßigen Passwort-Wechsel
Sleep Aid - Diagnose and solve Mac sleeping issues
Does your battery drain while your MacBook is sleeping? Do your headphones wake your Mac? Does your Mac flash its screen, keyboard or mouse during the night? Solve these problems and more with Ohanaware's Sleep Aid.
On Mind Mapping
I don’t think of myself as particularly organized, but I do like to prioritize and reason things out both visually and conceptually with at ...
Stay in touch with those you care about.
The 100% Markdown Expedition
In this post, we’ll describe why we decided to migrate to Markdown, and the steps you can take that will help us on our mission.
Typing in Yiddish | Isaac L. Bleaman | UC Berkeley, Linguistics
Isaac L. Bleaman, linguist at UC Berkeley
iOS 16: Was aktuell Probleme macht – und was man tun kann
iOS 16.0 hat noch raue Ecken, manche Nutzer vermissen Funktionen. Wir nennen Workarounds und wie sich ungewohnte Neuerungen abschalten lassen.
The 2022 MacStories OS Preview Series: Everything New Coming to Apple Mail
Email isn’t going anywhere anytime soon despite its flaws. Tools like Slack have replaced the lion’s share of internal communications at many companies, and a long list of messaging apps have chipped away at conversations among individuals. Still, email has proven resilient. One of email’s many problems is how hard it can be to manage
Tipp: Rezeptverwaltung Mela | esse est percipi
Seit 2013 veröffentliche ich meine Kochrezepte hauptsächlich auf Ab und zu kamen dort Anfragen, ob und wie man die Rezepte lokal ... Küche, iOS, Software,
Plexamp - Love your music!
A beautiful, dedicated Plex music player with tons of goodies for audiophile purists, music curators, and hipsters looking for their next aural fix.
The Leading Family Nostalgia App Developer
Push to Kindle
Read in peace. Send news stories, blog posts and other web articles to your Kindle for a better reading experience.
Minimal Theme for Twitter
Declutter the Twitter web experience.
iPreview - The Powerful macOS Quick Look Extension App
This App solves the problem that some files cannot be previewed in macOS Quick Look and packed with awesome features.
Peek — The Ultimate macOS Quick Look Extension
Accelerate your workflow with the Quick Look conveniences that only Peek can deliver (for macOS 10.15+): copying, searching, jumping, scroll restoring, syntax highlighting, & more.
Search | Packal
WordPress installer attack race
BetterTouchTool and Stream Deck -
It was promised some time ago, and after a long wait 1 BetterTouchTool has added Stream Deck support , and it’s awesome. It’s a beta feature, but I’ve already found it to be an amazing extension to
Orion Browser
… the ultimate way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices.1
And it is natively supporting Web Extensions.2