Drone News ֠Remote ID to Roll Out in 2020, NYC Drone Laws Update, Drone Helicopter Crash
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Flying Drones in NYC ֠Drone Laws Explained ֠https://www.thedroneu.com/blog/flying-drones-in-nyc-drone-laws/
Drone Mapping Guide ֠https://www.thedroneu.com/what-is-drone-mapping-software/
01:25 ֠Important points from FAAҳ Steve Dicksonҳ talk at the Commercial UAV Expo
02:22 ֠Is drone safety a concern? What do past statistics indicate?
02:57 ֠Has archaic legislation prevented the drone delivery industry from taking off?
03:17 ֠Is the FAA doing its bit when it comes to using drones for childrenҳ education?
03:57 ֠FAA to go ahead with restrictive drone remote-id by the end of 2020?
09:03 ֠Will remote-id result in non-compliance and hence endanger airspace safety?
14:00 ֠Is a lack of representation within the FAA hurting the small drone service provider?
16:30 ֠YouTuber Bruce Simpson a.k.a. XJet builds a handheld ADS-B receiver
19:27 ֠2019 stats show how much safer drones are compared to manned aircraft
22:03 ֠Are large corporations influencing drone legislation in a big way? 23:42 ֠Study explores the feasibility of using drones for building facade inspections in NYC
27:49 ֠Innovative Drone search and rescue tactics deployed to find a 3-year old in Western Australia
31:50 ֠DJI Mavic Mini blown away by a helicopterҳ prop wash in Grand Rapids, Michigan