Google’s New Tech Means Video Calls May Not Be the Death of Us After All
Test Information Space
T-Mobile, Starlink to launch satellite-based connectivity in July for $15 per month
Elon Musk has done it: iPhones and Android smartphones can now use his satellites to make calls anywhere on Earth - Jason Deegan
NVIDIA AI Aerial Launches to Optimize Wireless Networks, Deliver New Generative AI Experiences on One Platform
Oh, Buoy! Satellite Data Helps Pinpoint Ocean Waves
HEAVY.AI Teams with Bain, Maxar, and NVIDIA to Provide High-Fidelity Digital Twins for Telecom Networks
India’s new telecomms bill is messed up
Google spins out secret hi-speed telecom project called Aalyria, and keeps stake in startup
How does Starlink Satellite Internet Work?📡☄🖥
SIMO - Mobile Internet | Software-as-a-Service | United States
DARPA selects companies for inter-satellite laser communications project - SpaceNews
Industry leaders call for enhanced 6G research amid rising global competition
Shaping the Future of (Industrial) Collaborative Business Creation
Internet Drama in Canada. (Really.)