Cambridge AI Safety Hub
Test Information Space
Marek Rosa on Twitter
Closing the gap between computers and creativity | Adobe Blog
🎄Your guide to AI: December 2022
Universal flu vaccine may be available within two years, says scientist
Assembler robots could eventually build almost anything
China tops U.S. to take research crown at global chip conference
Cohere For AI Fireside Chat: Pablo Samuel Castro
New research suggests our brains use quantum computation
Imagining with Imagen
Elicit: The AI Research Assistant
Measuring perception in AI models
AI Model Links Smell Molecules With Metabolic Processes | Quanta Magazine
AI's Human Factor | Stanford's Dr. Fei-Fei Li and OpenAI CTO Mira Murati
CS Research Mentorship Program – Google Research
We are seeking Wolfram Student Ambassadors! - Online Technical Discussion Groups—Wolfram Community
Wiggling toward bio-inspired machine intelligence
Introducing Make-A-Video: An AI system that generates videos from text
Trends in AI — September 2022
Introducing the Cohere For AI Scholars Program: Your Research Journey Starts Here
Joscha Bach on Twitter
Supercomputer Emulator—AI’s New Role in Science
Our approach to alignment research
Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
Reali & Hoffman - The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
Google Research - YouTube
Evernote Note Taking & Studying Tips From a Columbia University Professor
China overtakes the US in scientific research output