Meta wants to supercharge Wikipedia with an AI upgrade | Digital Trends
Test Information Space
Integrated AI - Savants & Stable Diffusion with 'best of' examples (prodigies, DALL-E 2, LAION)
Researchers Create Most Realistic Computer Models of Brain Cells - Neuroscience News
Introducing the Google Universal Image Embedding Challenge
Combining Neuroscience, Psychology, and AI Yields a Foundational Model of Human Thought
New in System Modeler
What would RBG (probably) say?
Ex-Googlers to build 'general intelligence' at Adept AI
What Kind of Computation Is Cognition?
When It Comes to AI, Can We Ditch the Datasets? - Neuroscience News
Yann LeCun on a vision to make AI systems learn and reason like animals and humans
CM3: A Causal Masked Multimodal Model of the Internet (Paper Explained w/ Author Interview)
François Chollet on Twitter
A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to the Classification of Engineering Models
AI Builder Overview in Power Automate
Scientists can now assemble entire genomes on their personal computers in minutes
Beijing-funded AI language model tops Google and OpenAI in raw numbers