The Changing Face of Compute
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The best semiconductor of them all?
A message from over 500 business and nonprofit leaders
Difference engine - Wikipedia
TSMC FINFLEX™, N2 Process Innovations Debut at 2022 North American Technology Symposium|Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
Stanford Seminar - Computing with Physical Systems
Computer Development at Harvard by Richard Milton Bloch
Computing Developments 1935-1955, as Seen from Cambridge, USA by Garrett Birkhoff
International Research Conference on the History of Computing - CHM
Researchers Achieve ‘Absurdly Fast’ Algorithm for Network Flow | Quanta Magazine
Computing Fabrics
US retakes first place from Japan on Top500 supercomputer ranking | Engadget
This New Ultra-Fast Chip Computes with Light
Why Open Access To The ACM Digital Library Matters | Associations Now
Intel Launches Alder Lake HX: Up to 16 Cores, PCIe 5.0, and 157W of Power
Why we should remember Alan Turing as a philosopher | Aeon Essays
Combining AI and computational science for better, faster, energy efficient predictions
How Apple’s Monster M1 Ultra Chip Keeps Moore’s Law Alive
You should be reading academic computer science papers
Why Did the World’s Second Largest Computer Company Fail?
The first IBM mainframe for AI arrives | ZDNet
What Kind of Computation Is Cognition?
The tech industry controls CS conference funding. What are the dangers?
What We've Learned from NKS Chapter 5: Two Dimensions and Beyond
Linus Torvalds prepares to move the Linux kernel to modern C
[Video] Here’s Why CXL Is the Memory Solution for the AI Era
Outlook on the Next Generation Computing Global Market to 2027 - Need for Ever Increasing Computation Speed and Efficiency is Driving Growth
CPU-Based Deep Learning Breakthrough Could Ease Pressure on GPU Market
Tiny Chips, Big Headaches
Moore’s Not Enough: 4 New Laws of Computing